Exo´s Guardian - Kwon Cho Hee I´m The leader of the group!


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Kwon Cho hee
lILTAYTAY45 // taylor // 9
NAME: Kwon Cho Hee
When Spying: Song Gayeon


DATE OF BIRTH: Febuary 14, 1990
AGE: 24
PLACE OF BIRTH: London, England
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
Korean (fluent)
English (Fluent)
Japanese (Fluent)


Chohee may look nice, but she can be cold as ice when people messes with her or her members and won't hesistate to kill them on the spot.
She cares about everyone and makes sure everyone is content and happy.
When she fights she likes to tourture her enemies and make them suffer(slowly) and somehow it pleases her, but she won't admit it to the memebers. (Only Suho knows)
Hates crying in front of people, she'll think of it as a weakness that people can use her to that advantage.
She will be bluntly honest and be critical if someone messes up, also when she is grumpy from bed
Chohee is like a mother or tries to be, but its hard for to open up although she has a weakness when younger people cry. She will listen to their problems and comfort them. Sometimes she will cook for everyone if its well deserved, but she loves to bake deserts.

She is a quiet person and can be intimitated to strangers espcially missions, She will always put her self first before the other memebers go in. She is a distraction for enemies if anything needs to get done. She hates loosing and it makes her frustrated when she looses and takes it out on everyone.
She is a smooth talker and cunning when she needs info
She doesn't like to follow the "rules" if someone high up , she likes to rebel in some cases.
When she opens up slowly she likes to Dongsengs
Very independant and doesn't like to get help from others, she also doesn't like to be disrespected by other people.



Chohee had a hard life, being put into the foster system at a very young age. As such, she was sent regularly to different foster homes in England, which meant that she rarely had any time to interact with other children her age, although she learned english quickly, she doesn't know what happen to her real parents the lady at the foster said they left her at the doorstep leaving a note saying "Protect the one you love and guard them" Chohee doesn't know what that meant, but she was hoping to find her real parents to get answers,  when she was 10 the family she lived with had taken her to Seoul, South Korea, When she moved in with the new family she was anti social. She wouldn't speak to them due to mentally and physical abuse from other families she stayed with, but her adopative family enojyed the girl they had, she was frighten she would get hurt, but she was used to it no matter how painful the memories were. Her "dad" and "mom" were federal agents and they also had a 13 year old Son name "Kwon Da wook", day by day her family would treat her like they were her own daughter and had put her in Taekwondo, Self defence and Karate in case something happens to her and her brother. Due to her mom and dad work background (Like the criminals finding them for like revenage ya know). As she went to school she makes alot of friends and they would hang out with her and show her around Seoul. Her and her brother would always go to the Han River and go for long walks and talk about anything. She loved her brother and was grateful for being in the family that had respected her and taught her things she would never know. When she was 15 she was in juinor high and people had admire her for her Athletictism and braveness, she would always help people who got bullied and would kick the bullies . After school she had walked home and it was 7 at night she had to stay at the schooll due to cleaning and meeting, As she was walking home she felt something or someone following her so she sped up her pace and took any turn to avoid the prescence behind her, but as she turned a corner someone had grabbed her and take her away she tried to fight off the guys around her and she was trying to scream, but they had pinned her to the wall in the alley touching her and she tried to get out, but they were to strong, then she closed her eyes slowly loosing her strength to fight them off, but then she fell to the ground holding her neck from being hurt, she saw a young guy who looked almost the same age as her (Suho) and she flinched at the way the guys fought, but the guy that had save her had 8 more behind him which was odd and very scared. As the enemies ran away the bou who had protected walked over to her and Chohee panicked and ran as fast she can not thanking him or knowing what he look like. She went home and tried to stay calm and collected in front of her family, she didn't tell them what happen she doesn't wanna worry about her parents about her well being.

At age 16 on her birthday which was Valentine, it was the most horrible day she could ever seen. Where she lost all her good side and started becoming cold. It was on a friday day and she had skip school and her mom and dad and brother decided to stay home with her and they celebrated with her and took her to movies. shoppin and when they went home they had eaten chocolate cake with cream frosting, she was happy and they had given her a necklace of a moon because she was always fasanatiated with moons and wolfs she didn't know why, but it somehow relaxed her. At 9 at night she was taken a nice shower and as she got of the shower and getting into her pajamas when she finished her brother  had rushed in to her room making her go out the window, Chohee was confuse and as she was about to talk she heard gun shots and Chohees heart pounded, but it was late and Dawook had shoved her into the closet which was messy and could hide. She held her breather and wanted to help, but as she peeked through blinds in the closet she saw her brother got shot and Chohee held in tears and was pissed. She waited an hour to come out she slowly got out of the closet and she saw blood on her bedroom floor and her brother laying dead, she walked over to him and kissed his cheek then went downstairs and sees her house wrecked and then spots her parents also dead and bloodied she cried so hard not caring who heard her, she felt guilty for not doing anything to help them, she offially hated herself. It was bloody Valentine day for her, so she hate Valentine day. She headed back to her room and packed her things and grabbed money she can grab and grabbed her gun and put it in her on the side hip as she walked downstairs she heard talking and as soon as they see her they chase her. Chohee jumped out of the window and landed in bushes which resulted spraining her ankle but she ran as fast she can, then she sees woods and decided to hide there until they leave her, but they were to fast for her, but as she continued to run she got jumped on by a animal aka wolf as she was pinned to the ground she closed her eyes and told him "Just kill me" The wolf shook its head, but decides to scratch your neck leaving a scar. (Which means hes hers now)  (Then read the story of how Suho and her met)

After the incdent in the woods with her and Suho he carried her which only lead to her passing out. She passed out for 3 days due to stress, depress and injured. 

Tell us about, how did you end up being one of Exo´s guardian. Did you were destined to be his guardian before you were born or did you only found out when you were a teenager? Tell us your story. How was your childhood? (At least 2 paragraphs. Be detailed)

  • one: LOVES her peppermint Mocha
  • two: Fighting
  • three: Horror/Scary things
  • four: Alone time
  • five: Running

    Six: Sleeping

    Seven: Watermelon
  • one: Bullying
  • two: Liars
  • three: Backstabbers
  • four: Spiders (She won't admit it to anyone, only her wolf knows)
  • five: People being disrespctful to older people

    Six: Other people hurting other animals

    Seven: ert guys (Stranger wise)
  • one: Everyone dying in front of her
  • two: Failing her memebers
  • three: Dark tight places (she can handle for a while, but not very long)
  • four: Loosing her love one
  • five: ...
  • one: Reading
  • two: Stargazing
  • three: 
  • four: ...
  • five: ...
  • one: When she sleeps she manages to have all her pillows on her face and her covers messy
  • two: Rolls her eyes and sighs when people interuppt her
  • three: Ruffles her hair in frustration
  • four:  She'll take out her anger on people by accident
  • five: She smokes when she gets stressed out and goes on walks by herself
  • one: Everyone morning she has to get her pepermint mocha
  • two: Gets really grumpy and mean when she doesn't get enough sleep
  • three: Has a wolf tattoo on her right shoulder
  • four: She carries small knives on her thigh
  • five: Has a weakness of Chocolate (she loves it hence the nickname Choco)

    Six: She loves to wear fingerless gloves

    Seven: She doesn't like skinship, but she'll tolerate it for a short time, although she loves it when her wolf comforts her.

    Eight: She has a scar on her neck due to fighting with Suho

    Nine: Has a knife or gun under her pillow

    Ten: She is a Vegetarian

    Eleven: Hates V-day
Appearance & Style:(A short description of how she looks like and some links. Max.5 links for each section.)
Casual: 1    2    3   4    5

Formal: 1  2    3   4    5

Combats: 1  2  3   4     5

Sleepwear: 1  2  3  

STORY: Chohee was 16 ran away from enemies that killed her brother and went into a forest trying to hide, but as she kept on running she was jumped on by a creature, as she was pinned to the ground she wwas relaxed and wanted to die since her fmaily died. The creature left a scratch on her neck (not a big scracth) she yelped and the creture got off of her and she sat up holding her neck and pulled out a gun (that her parents taught her) and pointed at him, but she hesistated as the creauture she saw was a wolf and she had always loved wolfs, it was her fav animal (though she won't admit it). The wolf was staring at her with his blue eyes and somehow she felt warmth from looking at him. She sighed and got up and was about leave but she heard voices in the woods and she looked over to the wolf who still didn't move and looked calm. Chohee yelled at him to leave, but he wasn't listening as soon as the enemies saw her she held up a gun, but before anyone pulled the trigger the wolf had attacked them vicsiouly as soon as the fight was over the wolf walked over to her and she was shock at the scene, she knelt down and put her hand out and he allowed her to pet him. She was happy to pet the wolf, but she saw someone pointing a gun at the wolf so she pushed the wolf aside and got shot on the left arm, but she turned around and shot him. She held in her pain and arm the wolf had her wound and she was trying to pull away, but she felt hands, real skin hands on her arm. She jumped and looked at the guy and he was she covered her eyes and stayed still shock by everything around her. He picked her up and smiled at her and told her his name was Suho and she was his guardian. So from that day she continued to train with wolves and being a guardian. The other wolves like to about the way she sleeps.


Suho is very protective over his pack and his guardian, he cares for everyone and will listen to everyones problem, he doesn't like fighting (yelling) amongst his wolf pack, he tries to be the peace maker and make sure veeryone is content. He likes to read for relaxation and he is a gentlemen towards Chohee. He gets easily jealous when Chohee has to dress showing skin and having her talk to guys, whenever he sees her with guys he wants to kill them. When the other memebers or pack fall asleep he likes to cuddle with Chohee in his wolf form and makes sure she is okay. He can be shy in front of Chohee whenever she pets him or gives him a compliment 



Suho and Chohee are the most protective pair that anyone sees, they only care about their memebers/Pack rather then themselves, They make sure sure everyone is doing the right thing and making sure theres no mistakes. When they aren't going on missions they stay quiet amongst themselves and won't talk to each other, but they can sence between them that it was comfortable silence. When they are infront of other people they act shyly towrds each other or at least Suho, Chohee tries to be confident even though she gets shy around him. They were best friends in a werid way, they won't talk unless it has to do with missions, but they can sence the enviroment between them. When they are by themselve Suho tries to cling on to her and she would cling on to Suho if any chance, they only like each other skinship because they were closer then the other memebers. They get into a fight with each other they both snap at each other and ignore each other for at least a week. Suho would bring coffee for Chohee when she wakes up and she would get shy for him to see her in her pajamas. They like to read when they get break time. Chohee is stubborn when people try and do things for her, but she doesn;t like it. When other memebers ask Chohee "where" did she get the scar on her neck she'll smirk and tell them "ask Suho" and Suho would groaned, but then he liked it but doesn't want to show it off what he done to Chohee



SUGGESTIONS: I seriously hope you continue with this story, I love it ! and I'm excited
- Suho walking in Chohee bedroom and sees her in her nightgown showing her skin while she is sleeping
- Someone giving Chohee the wrong coffee
- The beagel line (Chanyeol, Bakehyun, and Chen) pranking Chohee while she s sleeping or puts something in her drink
- Suho lying to her about going on a mission when its acually a "date"
-Gets seriously injured when Suho isn't there at one point.
-Gets into a huge fight with Suho
PASSWORD: I am the guardian of Suho and I swear to protect him !


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