I think he likes seeing me sad.

And I'm here studying like a maniac trying my best to feel happy for him but frankly I'm not.

It's so difficult to think when everything between the two of you is not sure.

But for now, I have to focus for my exams.

I have to study.

Not think about anything else but the information that I have to feed my brain.

I have to study.

I'll think about you when my exams are over.

I have to.


I have to.


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Aish. Told you don't be. Stop thinking bout him for the mean time :(((((( am sorry. Damn phone i can't send you any sms :(((((( but i recieved your texts!! Cheer up unnie. Good luck with school, your not alone =]]]]
unnie just pm me when you need an invisible shoulder to lean on...