a must read. okay maybe not a must, but you should read it anyway.

ooc blog post.
I always thought that I was going to be able to be one
of those swiggy swaggy roleplayers who'd be able to
go to school, get straight A's and study at the same time.
Unfortunately, I doubt that's going to happen to me, especially
in my circumstances- having a month of absence because of 
being in the hospital is not ideal for a medical student. seriously. don't try it.
I won't say goodbye, because it probably won't be the last time
we speak to each other in this, small, small, roleplaying world, so I'll
say 'see you later' instead.
I doubt I'd be joining this roleplay again while at school, AFF and the lack of
notification alerts ticks me off, so I'll stick to my tumblr and facebook based
roleplays where I can para without saying sorry for the 3+ wall posts.
I met some really great roleplayers/people here, and honestly, I'd like to keep
in touch with y'all so i can get some of the gossip. does that sound bad.
I'll log on a few times this week to speak to others on here for the last time, 
and I'll leave my contact details below so we can stay in touch and still be a very 
groso, filled family. honestly surprised by the amount of here. sorry not sorry.
To the people on my wall- i love you lots ok ok.
And if any of you have a lot of free time, you should come and join me in a
fb roleplay where I can mobile browse. e n e. is this considered advertising bc i'm sorry.

 Anyways, hasta la vista, and I'd love to roleplay again with those that I've roleplayed with.
Honestly, some of you guys make my roleplaying senses tingle- hng.
I wish the day had more hours so I could spend them with you. < 3

 Moving on- I'd like to make a final thank you to the admins here for making this
place uber active, and for welcoming everyone. It's a shame that other people
aren't as willing to be as welcoming or accepting, because if they were then the world
would be a better place. Okay, I'll stop being cheesy now because I'll start crying and
laughing at myself simultaniously.
I hate school.
Sunny's cutest typist < 3.

 p.s. Even if you don't think we talked enough here, I'm still willing to make friends to
talk to using the accounts/websites/apps below when I'm in between classes or 
dissecting dead bodies.
p.p.s. If this place is still around by Christmas or next summer (which I don't doubt,
if the admins continue to work this hard < 3) I might possibly be bacK SO KEEP AN 
p.p.p.s I only really like to rp as sunny so yeah. weeps. everything depends on that.
p.p.p.p.s I'm going to really miss some all of you oh my god.
Contact me on:

Kakaotalk : anousheh
Kik: zbawiciel
Instagram: exohatesyou
Asianfanfics: exohatesyou
Facebook: hahahaha no.

Roleplays (I'm try to advertise q n q, you could just message me on these accounts lmao.)


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sobs I haven't spoken to you but good luck to you! < 3

+ whispers I'm going to stalk you because you're a medical student and that's my life dream weeps -
cr ies. we'll miss you </3
thank you for the kind words and goodbye. :,)