I am Jeon Kyung Hwa the Main Rapper and Dancer of PIXIES

jeon Kyung hwa
Makoto- // Mako // active rate (7-10)
» Plotline Choosen
NICKNAME: Kia, or Kian
DATE OF BIRTH: May 10th,1992
AGE: 22
PLACE OF BIRTH: Busan,South Korea
HOMETOWN: Busan,South Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean (Native,Fluent) English (Fluent,Learn in school) Japanese (Basic,Learning)
» Showtime
POSITION: Main Rapper,Dancer
FANCLUB NAME: Black Knights
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

(BAD): Kia isnt really a friendly person,nor a social one.She is mostly akward around people she had never meet before (she is mostly akward to people who are around her age.but,she is somewhat polite to her elders).It takes a while to be able to her to warm up to you,or to even trust you with enything.She hates being the center of attencion,she prefers to stay in the way back and only speak when its necesary (and her answers are also very short and she can be alittle bit too honest,that can offend people alot and think of her has a rude or blunt girl...and to say the truth she is kinda blunt,but not very rude).Ka also has abit of a temper.She gets annoyed easily and can sometimes snap and just tell you right away to shut up.Of course she wont be the ***** and stard a fight.No just no.Yes she will tell you to shut up or blunt-ly answer you back ,but she wont get offended and stard a fight.But she will throw a punch back if the other party punches/kicks/slaps her.And lasty,kia can be...over-protective to people close to her (espeacilly towards her baby brother Jungkook from BTS).She just cares alittle too much (although she dosent really show it.In reality she can be very caring).She will stard asking questions like:Where are you going?,With who? When? Are you ok? Sick?.And can even get annoying once in a while.

(GOOD): Now lets get into the bright side of kias personality.Has sayd,kia can be a very caring person towards the ones she cares for and she would usually put them before her.She is very polite to her older sunbaes or to elders/old people too.She is very serious about wanting to become a very famous idol (along with her brother) so she usually works hard to debut.She is focus and (again) serious when in training and she always pays attencion when it comes to work.She is know to be the appa around her group of friends because of her over-protective and caring personality.And lastly,she can be extremly friendly/sweet when it comes to things like babies or animals (but she wont usually show it when there is a certain amount of people close to her,she prefers staying alone to cuddle up to the adorable creatures).

» Background

Kia was born and raise in busan,seoul.She came from a very normal,but at the same time caring family.But sadly,kia codent really spent some cuality time together like a normal family would,her parents where always busy with works to support theire family.Kia was mostly alone in school.Always the book worm and the akward one who sit in the back of the class.Yea she was bullied here and there,but afer a while kia starded to tell them off and eventually scaring all of them off,including a few kids wo she was warming up too.Honestly she dint really care what people thought about her,she only held her head hight and manage to survive.At that time,her baby brother was alredy born (she was 5 years old when jungkoo came into the world) since then she made a promise to look after her baby brother.

Around the age of 15,kia was getting really getting into music.She would stard singing alone in her room and even somethimes dance infront of her mirror.One time her parents walk into her dancing and rapping without noticing her parents behind her.Seeing theire daughter actually enjoying herself,they decided to sing her up to siging/dancing classes.And lets say the rest is history for her (she finally turn 18,She audition for a few companys,she waited,and finally got accepted has a trainee into YG.She was a trainee for 4 years).

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Enything with the word "horror" in it + Skulls + Dark colors
  • two: Rainy days + Cold weather + Iced coffe 
  • three: Spicy foods + Pastrys/sweets + Blubble tea
  • four: Cute animals + Kids + Old people (she has a soft spot for them)
  • five: Creepypasta + Anime
» Dislikes
  • one: Neon/bright colors + Clubs + Alcohol
  • two: Bad fashion + Dresses + Skirts
  • three: Annoying people + Aegyo (gives in easily)
  • four: Crowded places + People smoking around her + Public bathrooms
  • five: Allkpop + Paparazzi + Sasaeng fans
» Fears
  • one: Heights + Rollercoasters
  • two: Being cheated on
  • three: Something bad happening to her close ones
  • four: Death + Dying
» Hobbies
  • one: Drawing (she mostly draws creepypasta characters :1,2)
  • two: Skaeboarding
  • three: Baking
  • four: Surfing the internet
  • five: Practicing both her rapping and dancing skills
» Habits
  • one: Sleeps talks in english alot + Is a walking zombie in the mourning
  • two: Rolls her eyes or glares at someone when annoyed
  • three: Frowns slightly when confuse/sad
  • four: His seen mostly with a face mask on
  • five: Would squeal quietly at the sight of something cute/adorable
» Trivia
  • one: She is actually close friends with FX Amber,C-Clows Rome and Btobs Peniel + She did the ice bucket challange with them too
  • two: Has a dog name Levi (in wich the dog isent really friendly with new people and can be protective over kia) + Has an Iphone 4s
  • three: She hates mournings + Her favorite anime is attack on titan + She loves enything involving either gore or horror
  • four: She once had very long hair (it reach over her mid back) but jungkook accidently put gum on her hair,making her have to cut it off)
  • five: She weights 50kg and is 168cm tall
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Park Young Hee
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
BACKUP: Infinite's L

Leo has almost the same personality has kia.Almost.He is quiet,Calm,Polite and somewhat Friendly.He dosnt talk much and only talks when he either wants to or has to answer to something.He is very caring towards s and close people to him.But...he gets annoyed easily (much like kia).


Honestly...they ignored eachother when they are around other people (even though they are a couple,who in fact has been dating over 2 years,they act like they dont know eachother to remain there relationship a secret).They would usually say there "Hellos" like a normal Sunbae-Hoobae and just walk off like nothing happen.BUT.They still have there couple moments.They usually like to text eachother or skype even though they can have a "normal" date.They act more like a couple when they are alone.Holding hands or cuddling like normals couples do.Only when they are alone (they had gone pass kissing! They are abit akward to reach the next level of the relationship.And its not marrige...)

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Hope you like her ^^
SUGGESTIONS: Hello baby,Weekly idol,Running man,Star king | GI Songs? 9muses? (like wild)
SCENE REQUEST: Jungkook annoying his noona,a trainee stards a fight with kia? some kia x Leo bonding time?
PASSWORD: Winx? Or Neverland/Wonderland? || #99ffcc
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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esmkseunmi94 #1
You are accepted! And I might use ur Fanclub suggestion, it sounds AWSOME! Lol, I just don't have my laptop right now, I'll add your character when I get ahold of my laptop! TY for applying! Welcome to Pixieeeeee!