All About Me

 Real name ➣ Vince.

 Nickname(s)  Vin, Bao, Baozi, Vinnie

 Height  179cm.

 Weight  44kg.

 Original hair color  Brown

 Eye color  Blue

 Piercing(s)  2

 Favorite color(s)  Blue, Red, Black

 Favorite food(s)  Fruit, Chocolate

 Favorite drink(s)  Ice cap (Oreo), Strawberry milk, Chocolate milk

 Favorite season(s)  Summer.

 Least favorite color  Green.

 Least favorite food(s)  Meat, Vegetables

 Least favorite drink(s)  Not sure. Anything alcoholic?

 Least favorite season(s)  Winter.

 What were you doing before this  Playing League of Legends ARAM with my friends.

 What are you supposed to do right now  Be asleep, because school starts next week.


Bad Boy VS Good Boy

 My duties at home  Dishes, Garbage, Watch the dog, Watch the house, etc.

 My duties at school  Graduate.

 My attitude at home  Quiet, less open to people.

 My attitude at school  Silent, smart, inclusive.

 My attitude outside school and home  Silent, kind, not open at all.


I Am An Artist!

 Skills  I draw, I play the piano, guitar, drums, violin, and flute, and I like to write.

 Hidden talent  If being a linguistic counts, I guess that's it. I've learned English, French, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and German.

 Drawing  I love to draw!

 Singing ➣ I cannot sing for my life imo.

 Rapping  I talk really fast, so people often tell me to talk slower - which also helps me rap because I can rap fast. I guess I'm confident in it? I'm not so sure.

 Any other  I like to edit pictures/videos.


I'm Not Supposed To...

 What were you doing before this  Playing League of Legends: ARAM.

 What are you supposed to do right now  Go to sleep, maybe eat.

 What were you thinking when you saw the blog title  "I'm bored, wouldn't hurt to do it."

 What were you thinking when you did this blog  "I'm still bored, but it's worth taking time to do, I'm amused."


My Type

 Boyfriend/Girlfriend ideal type  Jung Taekwoon. Someone kind, tall I guess, open - yet not TOO open because being reserved is nice as well, understanding, and someone who can be there when I need them to be. Not much, I'm not that picky. If I love you, I love you.

 Friends ideal type  Someone I can be confident around, enjoy being with, and not get treated poorly for doing something small or being myself. Good friends are hard to find nowadays, but they're there somewhere.

 Teachers ideal type  Someone that knows how to make jokes and fool around with me whenever they can, and is not always stern about work/students.

 Myself ideal type  I want to be a bit reserved, quiet, and not easy to fool.


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