Question for Graphic Designers.

I have a small question that could fairly go into detail whether it's necessary or not -- 


but I wanted to know about what you all posted/uploaded about when you had/have portfolios? Is there something certain you bend towards or do you just design on a whim and post it? 


Replies are much appreciated! ♡


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In my portfolio I mostly post collaborations, experimental pieces, and contest entries.
thesis #2
hm, when i used to have portfolios, i tended to design on a whim, just like you said! but occasionally, i would also stick to certain themes like fantasy, or movie-esque, or the color blue. but i find that just designing every day and putting your daily creations into a private portfolio can also help with refining your skills a lot. you can also put it public and request critique, which helps you know what you should improve on! good luck. ♡