what i think..

Lately, there're a lot of idols did ice bucket challenge. For me.. It's better if they make Rubble Bucket Challenge. I know, they made Ice bucket challenge because of ALS (i'm not quite sure abt this) patients. 

Do you know that Rubble Bucket Challenge is for us to feel how Palestinians feel when Israel attacked them? The rubble bucket challenge's only in Gaza. I think, the rubble bucket challenge is more reasonable for us to do. 

It's just my opinion. And i hope, my biases do Rubble Bucket Challenge some day. 


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kdramafan #1
i haven heard of the rubble bucket challenge ....
praying for Palestine
Yea.. Same here. I agreed with you, authornim
I agree with you. The situation in Gaza...it's hurt me so much.
But I never heard about "the rubble Bucket Challenge ". Will you give me the link if you've seen it ?
Prays for Palestine... :)