insta post

are you an exo-l? Are you an aff member? Do you have an insta accnt? Well, if the answer is yes, can you tell me your username so i can follow you? Haha.


i am an exo-l ( lol dunno why but it still feels weird for me calling myself that,preferred exotic) and i wanted to take my fangirling to another level. Since some of the exo members have already created an insta accnt , i decided to make one too( even tho i believed 1 accnt of a social site is enough. I have tumblr but i rarely use it and i don't even remember my twitter password)


i only want to follow fellow kpop fans (i didnt follow my friends, they dont know i have an accnt in the first place)




gereif you guys want to follow me too. My username is eksohkay_em


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done follow you :)
mine is thamushimushi :3
mine's still chocobella2 lol
Jonanawhut is maahh usernamee :)