Depression for a stupid reason.

Lol we all have here our ultimate biases who we love the most, right? I learned that after some time it is almost impossible to have only one UB. So I found another guy who happened to become my already third ultimate, and I was happy as hell because we know it - you find a guy who is totally perfect and you spazz and love him and everything until you find another and then still on and on.


Today I found out, that he smokes. I am really against cigarettes and everything that damages your health so it kind of affected me. Lol.

I know it's stupid to have a mood drop just because of this :DDD But still, I can't really help it...

Who knows, maybe he had already stopped, or he is planning or I don't even know.... Whatever.....


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I've felt that way before. Don't worry, that's perfectly normal.