What is love?

     Is it a feeling? Is it true? Im so confused I know Im 14 and Im still in my child stage on life. I don't wanna grow up why should I? A lot of my friends tell me to grow up and to find a Boyfriend but it's hard. Really hard for me especially being a hard core kpop fan and that means fangirling every time but. It pisses me off.  Is love Good? Should I care? 


Sorry guys just me being weird Lol XD


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I lost my mind~
Noreul choeummannasseultte
No hanappego modeungoseun
Get in slow motion~

Sorry I can't help but remember exo when I saw your title XD...
And I agree with tyn_can! Love will come in the right time so don't rush thing and just let it be ; D
tyn_can #2
I dont know either. Some says its the happiest feeling if you are falling for someone. If you cant handle it properly for sure it can.be a worst one.

Well, in my twenty years of existence here on earth I never experienced that so dont pressure yourself. Enjoy teenage years..okay? :) Love will come along in the right time.