All About Me [stolen from my_hoe_suho]

Real name: My name will remain Jenn for privacy purposes xD

Nickname(s): Jenn, Lili (Chinese name)

Height: 5 ft 5 inches [168 cm, lmao we use cm xD]

Weight : 114.6 pounds [52 kg]

Original hair color : Jet Black [It's true...compared to many of my friends in real life xP]

Eye color : Dark Brown

Piercing(s) : None [I don't dare T-T]

Favorite Color : Blue, Green, White

Favorite Food(s) : Sweets in general :3

Favorite Drink(s) : Red tea, Bubble Tea

Favorite Season(s) : Fall & Winter

Least favorite color : Pink, purple

Least favorite food(s): There's alot of weird things in Chinese medicine/food, but some of them -_-

Least favorite drink(s) : Alcohol, wine

Least favorite season(s) : I'm fine actually...xD If I'm not at Taiwan and can go to the swimming pool/ocean everyday summer's ok ;P

What Were You Doing Before This : Eating lunch *munch munch*

What Are Supposed To Do Right Now : Summer Homework and Promised Updates xD


[updated from stolen :P]

Bad Girl VS Good Girl

My duties at home : Being a role model for my irresponsible brother, chatting with my family members, chores, blahblahblah xD

My duties at school : Hangouttsss with ma gurlsss B-), laughing outragiously without giving a d*mn of what the jerk guys of our class say, trying not to fail at school and getting nice grades ;) 

My attitude at home : somewhat grumpy, lazy (lmao), crazy (in my own room, shh)

My attitude at school: nice student, but loves to have fun (I laugh A LOT with my friends, and sometimes...I can laugh nonstop...XD) OH! KPOP/GOSSIP UPDATES YEARRHHHHHHH with ma kpop friends xD

My attitude outside school and house : Shy, but I can get really hyperactive and crazy if you get to know me after a few days (lol)





I Am An Artist!

Skills : Tbh, I don't know yet xD (bringing happiness to others, I do crazy things so...haha)

Hidden talent : Dance (I'm practicing after I got to really be able to dance after taking half year of street dance, so :> we'll see if I put on some covers lol...), Singing in the shower (lmao, that was a troll xD but I bet some of you do, right? *wink wink*), I can be a natural leader of a group and I roll business-like man B-) hopefully,  no feelings hurt

Drawing : 6/10 (lol, I'd say above average)

Singing : 7/10 (high soprano voices, oh goodness! lmao, I'd stick to comfortable range :) still working on improving though!)

Rapping : 5/10 (I need to learn, seriously. I want to learn so bad ;_;

Any other : hmm...let's keep this empty xD




I'm Not Supposed To...

What Were You Doing Before This : Eating away yahhhh xP

What Are Supposed To Do Right Now : Doing the rest of my summer hw before my AP teacher kills me when school starts next week ._.

What Were You Thinking When You Saw The Blog Title : Let's try it out *le clicks*

What Were You Thinking When You Did This Blog :  Ohno, people/friends are probably going to think I'm some lunatic, crazy friend (lmao, if you don't already know me so well xD)




My Type <3


Boyfriend Ideal Type :, xD I would like a guy who's humorous, plays the guitar and can sing/rap, I also wish to be able to have things (just stuff) that we can never stop talking about (in chinese, 永遠講不完的話 lmao my translation is down these days xD), also who can be able to take in all sides of me xD from crazy to quiet to cute (lmao, did I just say that?!) but then.....i wish when he's nice he can be nice, but when some things need to be serious he can be serious and responsible (LMAO, this is just weird dx

Friends Ideal Type : Humourous, lol, or probably anyone who I can trust my back to, and can accept me for who I am (lol, i think half of them expect me to be crazy all the time xD "mianhaeeeeee!*)

Teachers Ideal Type : Someone who can teach subjects clearly to us, can have sarcasm jokes but is also friendly (I had a male teacher like that once, I hated him at first, but he was actually weird/hilarious when we got to know him more), lmao nice, but also becomes serious when needs to

Myself Ideal Type : I want to improve and try and lessen the negative traits I have in me. I want to show that to people who have given me so much resources in my life, that it wasn't anything wasted but worth providing to me. LMAO, I also want to have a crazy life where I can work hard, and play hard (I wouldn't want to go to clubs though...)


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