BTS Live!

Lmao, I'm blogging so much lately I bet alot of you are feeling annoyed XD

But hey, about this!

I was sort of curious and went to listen to BTS Danger [MR Removed]

and ohmygoodness, Chimchim improved (lmao, check out American Hustle Life to know who I'm referring to Here)

The Rapper line is good as always!

For the first live, it's rumoured that they rehearsed the stage almost 17 times!!! And they still sing good [later update said it's just a lot of times, but probably not as much as 17]

So without, further ado, here be the link:



And another one:



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Honestly Rap Monster sounds a lot clearer here when he's rapping. Cuz I watched some of their performances without the MR removed and his voice sounds really soft. I thought maybe he couldn't keep up with his rapping when the dance moves were so hard