Asian Parents

I don't even think Asian parents know about child abuse. I mean if they did know about it then it's common sense to avoid abusing their own child(ren) right? Right! Even if they didn't know about it, they still shouldn't be abusing their child(ren). Being an Asian, I know how it feels. I'm not saying all Asian parents do this but most do. They abuse their child(ren).They slap them with coat hangers, shoes, belts, whatever they can find; press the ends of cigarettes onto their skins and yet they say nothing. They stay silent and bear the pain. They don't tell anyone. Let me say this though: I know they're your parents. I know you think that no one will understand you. No one will help you. But trust me, there are people out there that will. I'm sorry I ruined your day I'm just pissed off. But I swear down if I ever have kids, I will love them and care for them and never hurt them. I'll try my best to allow them to have the best life they can, well a life that's at least better than mine. OMG am I still typing I'm sorry.😨😫🙇


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