To anyone who cares~

Calling to anyone who is rather uncomfortable with the third .. Unfriend me now..


Why? Because I don't want them to think that I befriended them for romance or to hit on them.. Or put on a mask and pretend to be all comfortable when they really am not..


It just hurts when at first meet they put up Great Wall of China in seconds they meet bi people. I don't have anything against that but it just strikes through the heart you know? I've dealt with these kind of things probably all my life and AFF and internet has given me liberty to actually be myself than I am in real life.. I've always felt so alone because people won't like to be friends with me for hurtful reasons - - especially women. Homophobics are another thing but it comes back in the same damn circle anyways..


So yeah with all that said.. I don't want to stress you out with my ual preference and I don't want to get hurt further with all the hurt feelings bottled up for the passed 17 years of my existence.. Win-Win thing for the both of us right? Thanks for trying tho~


I had to vent this out of my chest.. Thank you to whoever took the time to read my thoughts..

Stay awesome you wonderful unicorns~




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WendyWu #1
I don't care as long as you're friendly ^~^ . Don't listen to other people and waste your time by listening to them. Live your life because we only have a chance to live.

Lol. That's so not me. XD mature saying(?) Don't listen to people who just want to hurt you.
let's all be unicorns and be happy ~
MEHHHHHH I have lots of friends like you too. And as long as you're nice to talk to I'm fine
Hai hai I'm gay or lesbian or bi or whatever name there is for unicorns, and homophobics really stress me out sometimes...they hurt me a lot and I got bullied because of that last year
ollybear25 #5
Didn't even know you were bi. Not like it matters anyways, since that's a stupid reason for others to dislike you. You don't need people like that anyways :)
melon_honeym00n #6
I did'nt know ur a bi,.but seriously, i like you.haha
Pasagdahi na sila ui,.mga feeler~
1ll1ll9oo #7
JaoMing #8
You stay awesome too kay. Gotta love yourself even if others dont understand u. Their loss :*
Just think positive & be patient, ok :)
We always here for supporting you.. Fighting
I personally don't care, as long as the person is nice, and awesome in general, i'll hang with them :D
LovelyBless #11
This is like the first friend post that I read the whole thing. You aren't alone! Get it off your chest and just continue moving on! Hwaiting! <3
Taoris95 #12
*snuggles* it's okay, don't worry about them. The people who matter don't care and the people who care don't matter
PipTheTerror #13
Ball out, dude.
Who you are is more than enough ;)
I don't think there's a single soul on this green Earth that isn't looking for someone to better understand them. I hope you realise that you're not entirely alone. I'm not going to belittle your feelings by suggesting that I understand them, but I certainly empathise. Your concerns are valid, and your entire being is valuable on its own. A lack of understanding on someone else's part says far more about them than it ever will about you. It's not your fault if someone doesn't understand you without even trying to do so in the first place.
It's likely that nothing will ever right the wrongs done to you over nearly two decades, but as long as you start by accepting yourself there will always be a phenomenal chance that the next two decades will kick the last two decades' ARSE \o/ Your life is only just beginning, friend ;) I hope you stay gold and keep believing. Don't let your youth be wasted on you, dude :) If nothing else, you already know what kind of people you don't want to have in your life for the rest of your existence. Learning a lesson or any kind is never a waste \o/

... Damn this is a long comment :S Apologies ;)

- PiP.
Hi! I don't exactly get the situation, but from your post, I read that you're a bi? I think there's nothing wrong with being that, it's just nature's way. I have bi friends too, and I study, laugh and joke with them all the same. There's no barrier between us whatsoever.

I feel sad for you as you said that people actually hurt you because of that... Well, you don't have to care about those people because real friends stay friends with you no matter what type of ual preference you have. Real friends don't judge one another because of such trivial things. And if you need someone to rant to, I'm always here for you :)

Just remember, you have every right to be yourself and although I can't relate to how you feel, I can provide some of the support you need :D

You stay awesome too~ XD
Don't worry, I won't leave you.. :)