My Updating Schedule and Other Stuff

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. I've been really bad about updating my stories. The real problem lies in the fact that I'm overly critical with myself and my writing, so if things don't turn out quite perfect I usually just end up scrapping it and starting over (I have re-written so many first chapters ><). Also, life's been kinda like, lawl NOPE! You wanted to update like you promised everyone that you would? Pffft. No.

Seriously, my sister ran away to New Jersey, my brother could die, my best friend attempted suicide and was in a mental institute for over two weeks, my dad just lost his job, and my mom is a bipolar psycho who has both control and anger management issues. Seriously, life hates me. Add this to the fact that I'm an overly critical perfectionist who gets discouraged after a failed second attempt and the fact that school has started, and you've got the reason why I haven't updated.


Update Schedule:

Seasons of Love

Number of Chapters: 30+ (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: Once every other week

Note: The chapters will be kinda long (2,000+ words)

Reality's A : Is This the New Romeo and Juliet?

Number of Chapters: I'm not sure yet but it probably won't be too short

Frequency of Updates: It'll probably be kind random, but I'll try to update at least once a week

Note: chapters will be anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 words each

Seriously, What the Hell?

Number of Chapters: 30+ (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: Once a week

Note: The chapters will be shorter than Seasons of Love (typically less than 2,000 words)


Number of Chapters: Probably around 15

Frequency of Updates: Every three weeks

Note: The chapters will be kinda short

A Bird Without Wings

Number of Chapters: 30+ (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: Once every other week

Note: Chapters will be between 1,000 and 2,000 words (in the exception of extreme drama)


Number of Chapters: Probably 15-20

Frequency of Updates: Random

Note: Phobia is kind of a side project, as least for the moment, so... Don't expect too much

Wolf Moon

Number of Chapters: 30+ (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: none until Letters is completed, then once every other week

Note: Wolf Moon is on hiatus until Letters is completed (it's the shortest of my stories, and since Wolf Moon hasn't been started yet...)

I'm Still Here

Number of Chapters: 20 (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: kinda random right now

Note: Chapters will be around 1,000 words each

The Secret Life of Jeon Jungkook

Number of Chapters: 30 (and epilogue)

Frequency of Updates: kinda random right now

Note: Chapters will be around 1,000 words each


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