( AVS ) - lee soohyun - vampire


We sneak, we sleep, no sounds that creak.
We hear, no fear, not so much as a tear.
We slither, we're bitter, we give people a shiver.
FULL NAME — Lee Soo Hyun
- Cake Mania // she always liked to eat cake which made the orphanage call her Cake Mania sometimes she would sneak out of the orphanage to buy more cakes
- Light Speed Runner (LSR) // Soohyun's speed is really fast she was amazed how she could run so fast when she turned a vampire and always run to everywhere she went even now she does it

BIRTHDAY — November 24
BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN — Jejudo, South Korea + Seoul, South Korea
VAMPIRE CLAN — Nightworth Clan

GENDER — Female
HEIGHT — 170 cm
WEIGHT — 52 kg
APPEARANCE — Soohyun's eyes aren't as big as every girl but are very charming since everytime soohyun smiles her eye smile is always there present. Her hair is natural black but she dyed dark brown after being a vampire just because she wanted. Soohyun's also a little bit pale but not too much as Snow White. She also has a birthmark that looks like a waning moon on her back (top left side).
EYES — Soohyun's eyes are natural dark brown but in presence of human blood they turn light grey.
Soohyun's clan Nightworth exists since 100 years ago and has around 70 members all blood related. This clan doesn't exist as long as the others but it doesn't mean that they are the weakest because they train hard in order to not to be. It started with Soohyun's great-grandfather that was killed by slayers when Soohyun's grandfather were around 25 who were also killed after trying to fight with them. Soohyun's grandmother was pregnant with her four child which was Soohyun's father so she just could pray that her lover would stay safe but it didn't happened. After that Soohyun's oldest uncle became the chief of the clan.

Soohyun has father who is a lawyer and very strict that made their three children start controling their powers since young, a mother who is a doctor and always cared about their children and protected them for being overworked by their father, a older sister who was shy due to her strict father and a older brother who is the opposite of her sister that can confront his father without fear. Soohyun's father isn't a bad person, it's just their clan doesn't exist as long as the others so he thinks that the other clans think that they are just a clan that just started which make him think that he should train well his children, another reason it's because of the slayers that killed their family which he feels guilty because if it wasn't him his mother could help his father and he wouldn't have to die.

Their children understood their father reason for wanting to train them and be strong to fight the slayers but sometimes he would go overboard so Sihyun, Soohyun's older brother, would go against his father and as the time passed Soohyun would also go against him since she was already grown up and already understood a few things. Mihyun, Soohyun's older sister, still couldn't go against her father by talking but would always stand by her siblings' side. Their father would always give up when Sihyun and Soohyun called their mother for help when they felt that they were losing their 'fight'. Soohyun's mother was the only one that could stop her father because Soohyun's father is deeply in love with her mother and he can't be angry with her. This being said, Soohyun's father weakness is their mother although he is strict and serious but when he wants he's also funny and caring specially when Soohyun's mother is around so Soohyun's childhood wasn't just training and training.

Being the youngest of the three children, Soohyun is also the one that has less training compared to her sister and brother so she used to kill a lot of humans when she was young. Everytime she smelled just a tiny bit of human blood her eyes grows light grey and she was needed to be controled by the vampire around her so she doesn't kill a human unecessarily but now she can control more or less but if it's very strong she's prepared to kill.

Soohyun is always very energetic and cheerful. Likes to enjoy herself and is happy all the time, since the early day until the late night. It's really unusual to she see her sad or crying. If crying it maybe from happiness. Soohyun is a very lively girl. She's very active and thinks that her life must be lived at the fullest and to her the fullest is all the happy and funny things it happened or will happen in her life, so Soohyun usually just thinks about those moments that makes her laugh. People around her tend always to have a smile placed on their faces because of Soohyun's jokes and pranks. A very optimistic girl, expects all the best of the best in every situation. Soohyun tend to be very positive about everything, when everyone is thinking about the worst she manage to find the good thing about it and usually makes everyone laugh because her ideas are always weird. Soohyun is also an easy-going girl and doesn't really care much about things and one of them are what people think about her, she just ignores them or just go along with them laughing at anything they say, but there are times when she's really laughing because she finds herself funny.

Soohyun may be a little bit lazy about somethings, it's rare to see her working, but if she's really determinated to do something she makes up her mind and will accomplish that no matter how hard it is. Soohyun is also a girl that gets distracted easily. When she's doing something or going somewhere if she gets distracted by something she forgets what she was doing and ends up not doing it. When this happens she always has the felling that she forgot about something and ends up remembering when she's in the middle of a conversation. The person usually is shocked because Soohyun shouts an 'AH!' from nowhere. No one can ask her to do something because of her distration problem but most of the time is because she doesn't want to do it, since she's lazy, and pretend that she didn't hear it or that she forgot as an excuse. Soohyun has this habit of lying since she was young. There's no way she can keep a promise or see if she's saying the truth. It's better not believe in everything she says or else it will make you very disappointed although lying sometimes helps her get out of scary situations or get out from troubles.
 This girl is also a little full of herself, specially when someone praises her, she feels like she's the best in the world and starts showing off all her good and bad things that she thinks that are good but it doesn't mean that she will hurt someone.

There were a few times when her friends also told her that she was weird because when she is immersed with her thoughts then she remembers something and starts laughing by herself even if she's alone with a million people around or when she started yelling at her phone because it's not working or a tree if she hurt herself on it. Soohyun is also a natural teaser, everytime she meets someone she has to irritate or provoke them with persistent petty distractions, sometimes it just comes out of naturally. She also likes adventure and do risky things and after being a vampire she tried many of those things, Soohyun likes to feel that she's in danger because she feels that it gives a lot of excitement to her 'life'. A childish girl that can't take anything serious, it's all right when the issue isn't really a big problem but she can't be serious even in big issues, she always tries to make a joke out of it being a positive girl she doesn't want to take bad things seriously and to her every problem is a bad thing, Soohyun gets scolded many times because of it. But there's one thing that can make her mad serious. Soohyun is very protective to her loved ones if someone dares to hurt them she does everything in her might to avenge them specially if it's related to slayers because she doesn't want them to suffer. She can also see if they are feeling sad and is always willing to hear and help them in any situation.

PLOTLINE — vampire #2

PREFERRED LOVER — slayer #4/any

Father / Lee Woon Ha / 48 / Serious, Strict, Kind, Rulefollower, Love Lover / 'Alive'

Mother / Lee Min Jung / 47 / Kind, Caring, Funny, Lively, Hard-Working  / 'Alive'
Older Sister / Lee Mi Hyun / 21 / Mature, Shy, Caring, Smart, Hard-Working / 'Alive'
Older Brother / Lee Si Hyun  / 19 / Childish, Flirt, Show-Off, Confident, Outgoing  / 'Alive'

- Soohyun's afraid of spiders

- Soohyun can't eat spicy food
- She's the fastest from her clan

- She likes to eat cakes, steak and jajjangmyon
- She doesn't like when someone messes her hair
- Soohyun can't control herself when she's hungry
- She puffs her cheeks when she's bored or annoyed
- Soohyun is always with her phone wherever she goes
- Soohyun loves cute thing like baby cats or teddy bears, anything cute she goes crazy about it
- Hanna's parents told her everything about the fight between slayers and vampires in those two weeks and she thinks they are dangerous

SCENE SUGGESTIONS / COMMENTS — English isn't my first language so I hope you'll understand everything~ ^^ Hwaiting!!! :D


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