Survey [Stolen]

State your fanfiction pen name


Are you more of a reader or a writer?

Currently, I am more of a writer than a reader. But I still read some fanfics from my favorite authors :)

When did you first start reading or writing fanfiction?

I started reading fan fictions last year end of May to mid-June I think. I was at the dorm and an admin from a DaeLo FB page made short scenarios I found quite cute and lead me to her account of AFF where I searched and discovered inspiring authors.

What's the first fanfiction you ever read or wrote? What is it about?

The first fan fiction I wrote was "I'm From Zero". It's original name was really long, I think XD something like "Someone who's always by your side" or something. LMAO, I don't really remember. But, it was like my baby story (lmao, again) because tbh, when I re-read it sometimes now, the front just seems messed up and plot-less XDD. It was a typical complicated (yes, complicated) love story of You X Yongguk X Aron. (The two idols were two of my favourites during the time.)

What ratings do your read/write?

I usually write without M ratings, but on this account, I'm trying a short M rated one-shot collection featuring BTS. In the past, I didn't really want to read M-Rated stories, but when I read a really good one.....I actually changed my mind about it.

What was your first fandom?

Wait, like really really WAYYYYYYYY long ago? Or like recent long ago? LMAO, I'm not making sense. XD If it's WAYYYYY long ago, it was definitely BIGBANG <3 If it was recent long ago, it was B.A.P. haha XD

List all the fandoms you have read or written in.

Tbh, I don't really have a limit of what I read. EXO, BAP, BTS, NU'EST, TEENTOP,....I have bad memory T T

Written: EXO, BAP, BTS, NU'EST, BIGBANG,....and I want to write about other groups too :)

What is your favorite fandom to read or write about?

I used to be all into EXO, but I kinda got sick lol no, not in a bad way, so I read BAP, BTS, BIGBANG stories and write more about BTS lately.

Any fandom you would like to write in?

Hm, I would love to try a lot more. I'm planning on writing an INFINITE one-shot soon,a B2ST one, maybe also SHINee, MBLAQ, or BTOB :) If any of you would like one, feel free to PM me (lol

I usually write you/OC x a bias group/character 

List all the pairings you have read or written in

OC/you x Exo member. OC/you x Yongguk OC/you x BTS member OC/you x NU'EST....may I stop XD? 

What is your favorite pairing to read or write about?

I can read idol x idol but I don't really get interested in them. LMAO, so I usually read you/OC x kpop group/kpop group member

Is there any pairing you refuse to read or write about?

, or Yuri. Though I did read I think a light which I didn't think was that bad (sorta like brothers who love each other [NOT in the dirty way] but like brotherly love, you know, kinda like how B2ST members take care of Yoseob lmao XD)

What is your favorite genre?

I can read a lot of them except for extreme horror, , , or yuri. I usually write about romance, friendship, angst.

What is your least favorite genre?

Like above, not extreme horror, , , or yuri. If it's mild, I'm alright with it.

Any genre you would like to read or write for?

supernatural, slight , lmao and light --> like the brotherly love that I mentioned before. I want to try xD

List all of your favorites writer?

many :S in_yoon_finitely, dbskgirl4ever, JunHyungLuv, NeverLastingEverLand, mymikp, -demonic, aiyoooo....the list goes on :( [if I didn't mention you, I'm so sorry TT]

Which writers inspires your own work?

To be honest, I used to write in large chunks of paragraphs that were like....ugh, ew. XD When I saw the formatting in_yoon_finitely used, I tried it on an one-shot I made, and I actually liked it. Though still, right now I'm still learning and writing and searching for my own writing style. [Format copyright goes to her xD]

What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

Good Night by in_yoon_finitely, Alien Invasions? (I forgot the title) by dbskgirl4ever featuring EXO, Bloody Love by -demonic......TT aiyoooo I like a lot LMAO.

What is the website you use most to read or write fanfiction?

AsianFanFics, lol...I sometimes write/least trying to on FanficOverFlow! (PS, if you're on FanficOverFlow, tell me your username so I can add you as friend haha XD)

Any certain things you avoid reading or writing about?

Extreme Stuff: Extreme horror, , , or yuri..

What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

I get to read alot of daebak stories, meet alot of wonderful friends and inspiring authors, and also to write (though I think I need to refresh my inspiration in writing O.O")

Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

I'd say half-half. I just took the first step to ask for a review for one of my stories, and I wish that through the reviews, writers can learn to think like the reader, and readers learn to think like a writer. (LMAO, that's quoted from my English teacher XD. Though I think I kind of failed her because I still sort of can't grasp it)

How long should a chapter be?

I don't think there's a need for a limit. Well, you wouldn't want an extremely, large, huge chunk of ice paragraph to chop up into your brain for digestion (LOL) But to sort of evenly split it up? I actually feel like this, because I think it doesn't depend on the length, but how a writer arranges the flow and plot of the story. (if you get what I mean? XD)

Have you ever flamed someone?

I think (being completely honest) once? Because I felt like I was disrespected that a job that I should have taken; I was suppose to do it (and I was in the process), then the person just overtakes my job, without me knowing, and the person already published it, also kicking me out of the co-author in process. Respect is something I wish people withhold. If people are near my redline, I will send warning pulses to them.

Have you ever been flamed?

Not yet..? Well, I don't even know. Hopefully, not.

Do you roleplay online?

Read my small message of my profile if you even bother to. I don't like repeating myself. No, I DO NOT DO IT. So, please DO NOT advertise roleplay on my WALL. MY WALL IS ONLY TO ADVERTISE STORIES THAT YOU GUYS MAKE AND WANT ME TO READ !!!

~~~( Writers Only )~~~

How many published fanfictions have you written?

22 on this account, 26 on my viva_lifeon45bap & fadingsparks combined (just transferred). Holy, that's crazy XD

Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most upvotes? The most subscribers? The most views? The most comments? How many?

I don't like counting words (LOL, so I'm skipping that)


-most upvotes is my BTS one-shot shop XD.

-most subbies is also BTS one-shot shop

-most views is like above.

-lmao, I think the most comment too XDD


-most upvotes is "Indefinite Love" my newest story (woohoo! and sprinkle love bobos (kisses) to all my dear readers there xD)

-most subbies is "My Delinquent Boyfriend" which is probably my most prolific story (? 493 subbies, almost 500! :OOO!! Love you all too!! *throws kisses*)

-most views is like above XDD. I guess it was really that good??

-lmao, this was a close tie actually my second good story?? "Truth Or Dare? Dare to Date?" got 25 comments same as my aSliceofLove account's most comment, haha Love you readers and subbies *kisses, kisses everywhere*)

At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite or your most proud of? (you can included unpublished fanfictions)

My Delinquent Boyfriend? and The Truth Or Dare? Dare to Date? I mean well, I wasn't really expecting people to like it, but I was really glad and surprised people did *love you all!!*

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?

Tbh, I haven't :3 I plan to make one soon, because I'm totally in for it. (Actually two, because one's in draft but it's only a small bit of my love life lmao XD)

Do you use beta reader?

No, so far. I usually go back and look through for mistakes.

What warnings have you used on your stories?

Does Rated-M count? LOL

What makes you happy the most as a writer?

Tbh, Being able to write. But now, I think I'm entering a period of time when I feel so pressured and traumitized when I recovered from my bad writer's block, and kept thinking need to update! instead of just writing to love. I think I'll finish my stories, and tell myself to stop writing 5 stories at once. It's regretful.

Have you ever stolen something from another person's work?


What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?

Being constantly inspired to write things I love to write about. After I had that writer's block before, I was kind of depressed during that time. Tbh, I'm still recovering (lmao, a patient yeshh) and I wish that I can write things that I see from my point and readers can also understand and feel what I feel.

Do you have any certain ritual to do before or while or after you write?

I think aimlessly doing....nothing? I'm probably going to change it soon to taking out my notebook to freewrite and wander around my adventures (aka books, lmao) and see if I can think of something I want to write and start jolting it down ASAP.

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews or upvotes?

I've only requested from a couple of advertisement shops for my newest story "Indefinite Love". As for requesting reviews, just one so far. And no, I think upvotes are earned if a reader really wants or really loves this story. I'm fine if there's no upvote actually. (I would prefer comments lmao XD)

Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you've written to be made?

Actually I've requested for 4 stories (?) already xDD.


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