✘ ― Lozers

Eunhae_Fells2   -  Eunji


group birthplace: Incheon, South korea
group type: rapping and singing
group concept: hiphop
audition tape: [link]
Group twin: m.i.b 


group members


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Member name: Kang Sangkyu - 27
stage name: sion
position: Leader, rapper, composer
facelaim: seungjin (a-jax)
gallery: click
back up faceclaim: hyojun (a-jax)
gallery: click
traits: outgoing, friendly, upbeat, hard-working, caring, responsible, cowardly, nervous
notes: Sangkyu was born to a family who owned a ramen shop. They got by, but just barely. That's why sangkyu, ever since he was little, wanted to become rich and famous so he could give his parents the life they have always dreamed of having. Sangkyu began rapping when he was just 14, and has been doing it ever since. It started out as a hobby, but soon developed into a passion and something that he wanted to go far with. That's when he met the rest of "lozers".

✘ - only acts like the leader when supposed to

✘ - been rapping for around 14 years

✘ -  he doesn't like to be called old

✘ -  really looks up to phantom (as a whole)

✘ - nicknamed "scaredy-cat kyu" & "fountain of youth" - as he doesn't look 27

- terrified of haunted houses and jumpscares

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member name: Oh Hyunshik - 25
stage name: shiki
position: rapper, vocalist
faceclaim: chaejin (myname)
Gallery: click
back up faceclaim: seyong (myname)
gallery: click
traits: dorky, positive, outspoken, expressive, playful, childish, lazy, energetic
notes: Hyunshik comes from a family of writers. They were almost always on their computers, so Hyunshik had to entertain himself when he could or go out and find someone to play with. He became friends with myungdae, a neighborhood kid, and they got along great. Hyunshik looked up to myungdae, and when Myungdae said he wanted to be a singer, then Hyunshik did to. So, he got vocal lessons from Myungdae's parents (as a thank you for hanging out with their son). HYunshik and Myungdae were doing karoke at a karoke bar one day when they were approached by sangkyu.

✘ - doesn't care about his image, and ruin it a lot (by doing stupid things)

✘ - admired Myungdae's angelic voice

✘ -  got singing lessons from myundae's parents and rapping lessons from sangkyu

✘ -  he really likes karoke

✘ - scared of maknae seunghwan

✘ - horrible at dating and flirting

- the one who came up with the name, as a joke, but it stuck.

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member name: Lee Myungdae - 26
stage name: Myungdae
position: main vocalist
faceclaim: lee HYunwoo (actor)
gallery: click
back up faceclaim: jaehyun (a-jax)
gallery: click
traits: bold, bubbly, loud, annoying, talkative, rowdy, cries easily
notes: Myungdae comes from a family of a vocalist coach and a music teacher. It was obvious that he was going to be dragged into music somehow. His parents, ever since Myungdae was young, always coached him on his voice. Myungdae was pretty popular in school, as well as outside of it. He was known for his "angelic" voice. He bumped into Hyunshik on the way home from school one day, and they instantly became friends. So close of friends, that Myungdae actually brought him home to hang out. (most of his friends didn't last that long as myungdae was super annoying) Once Hyunshik heard that Myungdae wanted to be a singer, he instantly wanted to be one too. So myungdae asked his parents to coach hyunshik so they could form a singing duo when their older together, although, they ended up being in "lozers".


✘ - afraid he's getting wrinkles

✘ - talks a lot and over people

✘ - nicknamed "angelic voice" and "forever young"

✘ -  he's the shortest of the group, and has a complex about it

✘ - very confident in his voice

- likes to photobomb


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member name: No seunghwan - 23
stage name: Seunghwan
position: maknae, rapper, visual
faceclaim: hoik (aa)
gallery: click 
back up faceclaim: jinhong (aa)
gallery: click
traits: calm, quiet, modest, easygoing, gentle, serious, frustrated easily, blunt, socially awkward
notes: Seunghwan has always been a odd kid ever since he was little. Probably from the torture his older sisters put him through as a child. Anyway, Seunghwan grew up to be a socially awkward teen who didn't have any friends. They all thought he was weird, but really, he wasn't. He didn't really have any ambitions since childhood, and didn't really know what he wanted to do with his life. He did, however, meet sangkyu, myungdae, and hyunshik when he was sitting down at a cafe (by himself) drinking coffee alone and playing on his phone. Hyungshik thought that they needed a visual, someone who was pleasing to the eye since they were all (in their terms) ugly and kiddish looking. So, they went up to Seunghwan, and asked him to join their group. Seunghwan was surpsrised somebody was talking to him, and accepted (he didn't know what he was getting himself into), because maybe he could finally get some friends.


✘ - done with his bandmates anitics 99% of the time

✘ - has the best smile of out the group, but rarely smiles

✘ - most popular member

✘ -  most mature in looks and personality

✘ - the other members (minus hyunshik) like to hide behind him 

✘ - tallest member and towers over his hyungs

- confused as to why hyunshik is scared of him



How long have you been together [as a group]?: 
    "We have been together for around three years. Seunghwan was just 20 when he joined." *bright smile*
How did you find out about the auditions?:
    " We were at a karoke bar and saw the ad...then the lady at the front desk told us that we should auditions." *he laughs, but his cheeks goes red*
How much do you want to win?:  
   "Winning? we'll be surprised if we win. i mean, look at our name," *laughter and nods of agreement* "but, it's something that we are dreaming of, so we want to win a lot."
what will you do with the money if you win?:
  "probably buy some equipment to make music with, or a studio...and give some my parents." *he looks thoughtful*
what company would you like to be in?: 
  "Yg entertianment always has the best rappers and they let you compose yourseld so we hope to get into there."

Comments: hope i made it in time. >.< since thier all dorks in their own way, I called them Lozers.
scene suggestions:

✘ - seunghwan and hyunshik getting along / hyunshik not being a scaredy cat anymore

- a heartfelt moment between the lozers members
password: hyunshik




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