New series+new wish for a birthday present

So yeah, I will be 22 in few days, and from the time I turned 15 I always give my really good friend suggestions for present.

And, because I watch a lot of movies, series, listen to always turns out to be something like...

"BUY ME HIM! I WANT HIM!" I am not a ert...but can you resist those guys....

So, I make this blog post as a message for Ajjumna-shi...I hope you are going to read this.......

I am recomending you (all of you of course) to watch Once upon a time in Wonderland if you haven't already seen that show...IT'S AMAZING! SERIOUSLY:...

And you know there is this main character......totally cute, handsome, y, hot....OMFG...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LIKE OMFG!

/i should stop fangirling/....


Please:D Someone....give me as a present Peter Gadiot,.....!!!!Jjeball...!


Och Boy.........don't give me three wishes.....One will suffice...:D❁◕ ‿ ◕❁


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