Hoya_Love_Bites   -  Sam 


group birthplace: Jeju, South kOrea
group type: singing and dance group
group concept: y 
audition tape: audition
Group twin: troublemaker


group members


200 x 108
Member name: Lee joori
stage name: nia
position: leader, rapper, vocalist, main dancer
facelaim: hyunyoung of Rainbow / rainbow blaxx
gallery: x
back up faceclaim: subin of dal shabet
gallery: x
traits: bossy, eccentric, loud, pushy, a bit agressive, friendly, brave, perfectionist, talkative, passionate, slow, limitless, extroverted, daredevil

background: joori was born and raised in Jeju, south korea. her parents weren't insanely rich, or super poor. She was raised averagely, and, to put it simply, it was such a boring life. Joori loved having fun, seeking something that was different than her boring lifestyle. Ever since she was a kid, she has been seeking something to do with her life. It wasn't until she was six and she was enrolled into a ballet school, did she realize that she wanted to perform. she started to strive to become a idol. She took her dancing seriously, and became one of the best in her class. although, since she was spending so much time on making a name for herself, she hadn't been doing good in school or social life. enter in rich american kid, Devin. once joori and devin became friends (a lot of convincing on Joori's part), devin started to help her get her grades up, and, to be honest, he became her first friend. 
      Their feelings for each other arised when joori turned 17 and Devin 16. it happened really fast. devin was over, going over with joori about their math homework, when joori suddenly blurted out that devin was incredibly handsome, which made devin so flustered, that he had to go home. It was never the same between them, as they became more and more aware of each other. Then, one day, Joori had enough of them becoming increasingly awkward between them, and confessed her feelings. Devin, despite being really embarrassed, accepted her confession and they began their relationship. Their relationship, by no means, was perfect. They had their up and downs, with devin's shy personality always getting in the way and joori's bossiness and slow attitude causing more misunderstandings than usual. now, after being together for around six years, they have developed a understanding of each other. they practically know each other better than themselves.
      to become devia was joori's idea. it had come to her after realizing that she couldn't break into the buisness alone. Devin wasn't on board at first, but was soon was talked into it by joori's skilled talkative ways. their concept came to be when she saw how good girls with y concepts did in the industry, so she came to the conclusion: sells. once devin came up with their group name, and joori making their chereography, then began covering songs and such.

- devin
- violet
- candy
- dancing / singing

- praise
- perfection
- fluffy pillows / stuffed animals
- kittens
- sweet drinks
- ballet
- being on time
- beast & wonder girls
- american pop music
- lady gaga & brittney spears & micheal jackson & sia

- coffee
- getting scolded
- waking up super early

- complainers
- rap music 
- netizens (they always complain)
- the dark
- being cold
- getting called out on their conceot
- getting ignored
- bitter things
- tomatoes

- in a relationship with Devin
- born on Janurary 23, 1990 (24)
- born in jeju, south Koreaa
- favorite color is violet
- her stage name was born because she likes sia - the american pop artist
- her persona is "the captivating vixen"
- shes totally okay with the y concept
- skinship master
- most people think / suspect / know their dating, but joori always replies with "Maybe~" when asked.

- instagram is "nia-dVA2"
- shes the leader since she is the bossy one and devin is scared of her
- she hopes that her and devin with make it big
- she took ballet as a kid
- she thinks devin is the better singer out of them
- she likes to tease devin

200 x 108
member name: Devin ryu
stage name: devin
position: lead vocalist, dancer, maknae
faceclaim: roh ji hoon soloist

Gallery: x
back up faceclaim: lee joon of mblaq
gallery: x
traits: shy, introverted, awkward, serious, quiet, passionate, hard-working, follower, smart, scaredy-cat, sweet

background: devin was born in nebraska, Usa. his family was wealthy and he lived the luxery life. although, devin was kind of closed off. he was isolated at school because of his wealth, and he became a sort of a loner. he escaped these lonely feelings by joining choir. he found that he could release these feelings by singing. it became a hobby of his. although, when devin turned 13, he moved to jeju, south korea, since his grandma was sick and needed to be cared to by her only child, devin's dad. it was one of the hardest times in devins life.

       Devin had met joori when they were sat next to each other in class. they hadn't really talked, and ignored each other. that was, until joori saw that devin was scoring high on his texts and exams. she had asked, no, begged him to teach her so she could graduate and continue her ballet classes. Devin was crept out about her at first, but soon agreed to it. it didn't take long for the two of them to become friends. they then stuck to each other like glue, and they did everything together. devin realzed that he actually liked joori after she started to act more distant and quiet around him after the blurting out incident. once joori confessed to him, he was super surprised, but accepted nontheless. Their relationship wasn't easy, but they managed to get through it. 
      when Joori came to him with the idea of forming a group together, it was something that he thought was ridicoulous. Although, once joori talked him into forming the duo, he came to accept the idea. although, his parents weren't that accepting of the idea, as they wanted him to become something with guarenteed success. despite wanting to please his parents, devin decided to show his parents that he could make something of himself, so that is something that is making him able to do these performances with joori. 

- joori
- oranges
- green
- strawberry treats
- summer
- american music
- justin timberlake, micheal jackson, and bruno mars
- being on time
- not being rushed

- performing
- aegyo (on other people, especially joori)
- sweet things
- running around outside

- embarrassing situations
- being scolded
- joori's ideas
- joori's excessive skinship
- surprises
- being / getting flustered
- chocolate treats
- grape anything
- rainy days
- the cold / winter
- complainers / mean people
- sweating a bunch


- is in a relationship with joori
- came up with their group name. Devia = devin + nia. It also means "devious" in latin, which their y concept is sort of a "devious" thing.
- born on july 28, 1991 (23)
- born in nebraska, USA
- favorite color is forest green
- his persona is "the definition of tall, dark, and handsome"
- embarrassed about concept, but does it for Joori
- when asked if their dating, devin will not reply, but cough awkwardly
- instagram is "dev-DVA2" but he barely goes on
- hes the youngest, but he refuses to do aegyo
- he hopes to show his parents that he can become succesful
- he was in choir in school
- he thinks joori is the better dancer out of the both of them
- he speaks both english and korean


How long have you been together [as a group]?:
   "Well~..." Joori laughs. " for around four years. We came together around that time, and we just joined up together, as friends." she gives the interviewer a coy smile. 
How did you find out about the auditions?:
  "devin was the one who found it, actually, he was looking through the internet and came across it." she giggles a bit, but calms down quickly.
How much do you want to win?:
  "So much, that I can't even put it into words. i think I want to win so much, that there isn't anything that I wont do to become number one. even if I have to make-out with Devin on the stage, then it will happen." joori tries to give the interviewer a serious look, but soon bursts into loud laughter at the slightly disturbed look.
what will you do with the money if you win?:

   "probably give most of it to our parents, since they always deserve it. then maybe buy a house for Devin and I, something like that." She smiles wide, a tiny blush spreading across her cheeks.
what company would you like to be in?: 

   "Hm~ this could be hard." she bites her lip. "...probably, CUBE, since i can't see our concept being accepted anywhere else. and I'm a really big fan of beast~" she flashes another dazzling smile.

Comments: i was kind of confused by the second question of the interview, but I hope I did it right! I also hope its okay that their already dating, because I really can't see them doing these things together without them dating lol. also! if you need another performance for these guys, you can use the ailee vs ro ji hoon performance.
scene suggestions:
- joori surprsing Devin with a kiss on stage (kind of like in the troublemaker live performances lol) and him getting all flustered.
password: devin




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