If my Ex said this to me...

It's funny, I see my ex on a regular basis ^-^
1.Hi! How are you? We havent talked for a while.
- I'm fine, how have you been?
2. You wana hangout with my peeps and I?
-  Suuurrrreeee why not?
3.I LOVE U..
- uhhh...
4.DO u want some cookies?
- Sure! I love cookies ^-^
5. Let's take a photo together?
- Sure but I'm awkward when taking a picture -_-
6.Help me with my homework?
- I can't even help myself -_-
7.Here's my gift for you...
- Thanks???
8. Let's just text, arasso?
-But you don't have a cell phone -_-
9. Want me to buy you an iPod?
- Nahhh~ thanks for offering though?
10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
- But I don't take the bus...
11.Hi baby!
-Hi??? (A lot of people call me baby or babe so I'm used to it >_<)


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