xeno's very own

watanuki kiku

-bluemoon | aoi | 7  

faceclaim. honoka miki
backup. kim seolhyun aoa
position.main vocal 2, rapper
backup. vocalist, rapper
additional. lyricst
stage name. kiki
persona. the hidden chrysanthemum
vocal twin. sistar hyorin
dance twin. sistar hyorin
rap twin. sistar hyorin
talent twin. sistar hyorin
training years. 3 years
trainee timeline. 1 year at sm ent. and 2 years at miss record
COMMENTS. i hope you like kiku^^
SCENE SUGGESTIONS. drama between member?



my special girl!

CHARACTER NAME. watanuki kiku
   — kiki :: short abbreviation of her name, by  one of the members

BIRTHDATE. 04/01/96
AGE. 18
BIRTHPLACE. yokohama, japan
HOMETOWN. seoul, korea
ETHNICITY. japanese
HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 167 cm & 45 kg
   — japanese :: extremely fluent desu :: she's a japanese. nuff said /shot

   — korean :: doing good :: she have been at korea since she's 9, so her korean quite improved with slight japanese accent.

APPEARENCE. kiku has an almost star-shaped birthmark on her left ankle. her chubby cheeks are her main points. she also has lymph nodes, which causes her face to swell up from time to time (just like park bom) but she does take medication to control it.
STYLE. kiku is more about feeling comfortable in whatever she wears. so in her opinion her fashion style could be described as casual-chic with a bit of a girly edge to it. it's mainly composed of oversized t-shirts and sweaters, skinny jeans and shorts. 

Around the world!

PERSONALITY TRAITS. cheerful, dorky, hard-working, shy, stubborn, bottles up her emotions
   — when you first meet kiku you'll notice she wont say much and may not even give you direct eye contact. to some, that may come off as rude but in reality she is just quite shy. but if you manage to crack the sort of shy shell that surrounds her you'll come to find that she is a very cheerful and optimistic young girl. honestly, she can be quite child-like and dorky (like saying weird things, doing dorky dances or just running around like a kid who's mother gave them too much candy) when she wants to be but she only shows this side to people she knows and trusts.

but there is something about kiku's personality that we need to address; the fact that she doesn't like people worrying about her and her problems. though she may seem carefree and happy, you would never know if deep inside she if suffering through mental turmoil. she is the type who doesn't like to burden others thus carrying her frustrations and troubles alone. if someone hurts her she wont say a word, if someone says something she'll just play it off like she doesn't care when on the inside it may break her heart. but of course she is only human, and that cheerful facade will eventually shatter so she tries to takes it out on daily tasks like training, singing, dancing -and if she's really desperate- even cleaning.

a quirk about kiku is her stubborn tendency; this is probably the thing that most get annoyed at. she doesn't like being thought of as being wrong, so if she has opinion and you think the opposite get ready for an 100 word argument to why she's right. fact is, half the time she's not even sure right and yet she'll still stick up for what she believes in as the fact of being called 'wrong' just seems weird to her.

   — chrysanthemum flowers
   — melon fruit
   — tea
   — rainy day/cold days

   — travelling
   — sleep
   — bubble tea
   — action film
   — horror movies
   — deep waters
   — needles
   — early morning

   — hot weather
   — medical shows
   — someone who complains too much
   — she's allergic to nuts
   —  has a pet dog called "
   — she looks up to boa
   — she is never go anywhere without her phone
   — bloodtype o

   — she has aquaphobia
   — instagram: @xenoschrysanthemum
   —  twitter: @watanukiku01
   — she might not looks like it, but she actually quite good at sports


   — father | watanuki kimihiro |  businessman | 8
   — mother | kunogi himawari |  owner of cakes and candies shop | 8
   — older sister #1 | watanuki yuko |  college student, majoring at accounting | 8.5
   — older sister #2 | watanuki kotone |  college student, majoring at japanese literature | 8.5
 bestie #1 | yamada riko |  college student | 9
   —  bestie #2 | sawada sora |  college student | 9
   —  friends | nakamoto yuta |  member of sr14b | 7.5
Watanuki Kiku was born in Yokohama because her family stayed there since her parents got married. Kiku is the third and youngest daughter of the family, she has two older sisters who is 4 years and 7 years apart. Her father is a businessman and the family live with Kiku's father's salary and from the family's business, a cakes and candies shop '123 Sweets!' that managed by Kiku's mother and the oldest daughter. Kiku used to be a clever, and bright student back then, she got many medals for athletics subjects. She did swimming, high jumping and sometime marathon. Despite her achievements in athletics, Kiku is fond of arts. She loves dancing, singing and acting. At the age of 9, Kiku moved to Seoul after Her family noticed that her father have been moved to there. 

Kiku's earlier days in Korea was really hard. Kiku adapted very slowly because of the language barrier. But with the help of bunch of friends from her new school, Kiku managed to fluent in it and fell for Korea's charm. When she was 13, Kiku started to get interested in the entertainment field in Korea. She wanted to give a try and decided to attend an audition. It was SM Global Audition, in 2008. Lucky for her, Kiku got accepted in just one try, probably because she really prepared a song performance so well, but most of it just a luck. She became a trainee and trained for around 1 years before the company told her that she was transfered to miss record and trained there for 2 years. 

don't forget me!

LOVE INTEREST. lee taeyong of sr14b
BACKUPS.  yook sungjae of btob
PERSONALITY TRAITS. known as the talented and charismatic y dancer of sr14b, with a face that screams confident and with a hint of arrogance. well, to tell the truth off stage when he is 'lee taeyong' and not taeyong of sr14b, he is the exact opposite. he is sweet and unknowingly cute and likes to joke around (or tease his close friends). he cares a lot about s and his friends, but just doesn't show it as often as he feels he should. he feels best around those who are closest to him and feels as if he is able to show them who the real kai is. when training or practicing he is always focused and hard working; often injuring himself in his attempt to always improve.
as they are friends, taeyong knows the true kiku and kiku knows the true taeyong. but he has the annoying habit of teasing her because, as he states, 'her reactions are priceless" when he does so. he occasionally (and i mean once in a full moon) drops the a subtle flirty comment here and there, but kiku just thinks he's teasing her again. but overall they are very close, and act in a very friendly way with each other. 

   — n/a


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