Jieun nominates Changmin for the Ice Bucket Challenge!!!!!! OMFG MY FEELS!!!!!!!!!

YES!!!!!! You heard it right. She nominated Changmin....... OMG OMG OMG OMG MY ING SECRETSHINKI FEELS!!!!! I'm going to die here, too much for my heart, I just can't ASDFGHJKL;........ I was hoping it was Yunho since I'm a huge YunJi shipper but hey, at least she mentioned DBSK........

I'm going to die...... my heart, my shipping heart.........


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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
lol you're the first person I thought of when I heard about this.
iwannalivefortoday #2
Can I be honest and say that I was oblivious to these pairings? D: (maybe because I don't really follow them) But I always found Jieun sooo pretty and her voice is wonderful..and she just gained more points thanks to this video ;)
Hahahaha we meet again unnie xD When I saw Changmin's name it caught my attention right away xD EVEN MORE when it was about the ice bucket thingy xD Oh mah gah. I can't wait to see him wet xD HAHAHA xD