Still remember me?

First of all I wanna say sorry if this turns out horrible because I'm only on phone lol Second I want to say sorry again to the people who I stopped talking to. Hehe. Things happened and yeah. Lol too dramatic to tell. It came to a point where I just didn't want to talk to anyone for awhile.. Well if you still wanna talk to me then I'd be happy :) Especially to the new friends I made then I just stopped responding.. I'm not mad or anything~ Just an emotional episode in life lol You guys are too many so I just made this blog instead to call out to all of you x) Kakao or Line anyone? :D And I haven't updated since forever. Great =.= lol I'm deeply sorry to my readers and subbers that has been waiting for eternity when my hiatus be over.. Meh. I've jumbled my update ideas and can't think right gah. But anyways I'm still going to finish them and take a vacation from being a horrible author lol Take care everyone~ -Monsta


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oh you have kakao? .o.
I have both Kakao and Line
that's why you're not replying.. hope everything is fine now :))
Unnie you're back!!
Drowning- #5
Aww missing you xD
iloveulove #6
Welcome back! ^^
Yay! You're back!
PipTheTerror #8
Welcome back ;)

- PiP.