

I noticed I have a lot of new subscribers :D! This makes me super happy and eager to write so thank you and please ANTICIPATE whatever I write next!

Sorry my fic updates are few and lightyears in-between... I tend to go through phases of fangirling and ficcing... Wow, that almost sounds like I'm admitting to have a drug addiction or something.


Super Junior is about to have a come-back so you can expect like, a LOT of fun stuff. Don't even get me started on their teaser images in the cowby get-up. I'm dying and squealing all at the same time. Fics to come will be y, fluffy, and weird, as per usual. I don't get much time to enjoy being a fan so this is a nice break from real life for me. There's honestly no real schedule. Hopefully everyone understands and feels the need/urge to shower me with comments and feedback?? *stares very intensely at you all*. I looooove hearing from everyone (because seriously, I know my fics are a little crack-ish) and most of the time I totally make this stuff up as I go. A glass of wine and I'm on a roll like, really!

Until next time lovelies!


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