Is saying good bye to my story really this hard?

So I'm almost done with 'The Fox Demons' Right?
Well I know I'm having a sequel, but why is it so so hard to say goodbye to 'The Fox Demons'.
It's making me depressed.... -__- But than it's not even goodbye... But why do I feel like crying every time, I look at how many chapters there are left. (There is 2... I just finished the 33rd.)

   Tell me your opinon... To you is it hard to say goodbye to a story you work on? Even if you know there is a Sequel you are planning to make?

And what about when you read a story? Do you get attached to the story your reading and your depressed it's ending.

To me, it's hard. And I keep asking myself why is it so hard, but I can't think of anything.. -_-'


Well thank you for reading..

And sorry for taking up your time >.<'
With my useless comments/ blogs..

- Zeldamato12


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