✘ ― Jun

Leechunjis   -  LIA 

Jeon Junwoo

nickname: Jun
age: 21
birthday: July 8, 1993
birthplace: Daegu, South Korea
ethnicity: Korean
height: 180cm
weight: 62kg

blood type: ab

languages: korean (native), english (conversational), japanese (conversational) 

faceclaim: lee chanhee
gallery: link
back up faceclaim: kim taehyung
gallery: link

appearance: taller than average but on the skinny side; has natural dark brown hair but likes to dye it lighter or different colors, mostly red and blonde; has both ears pierced; has a compass tattoo on his right wrist; likes to dress casually, like skinny jeans, sweaters, plain tees, Converse, etc.
Stagename: jun
singing twin: jung joon young
audition tape: [link] (sorry, i couldn't find the singing part by itself so you can just skip/ignore the rest of the video)

personlity traits: ambitious, spontaneous, easygoing, witty, blunt, irritable, egotistical

personality: junwoo is the type of guy to draw attention from the crowd due to his charming personality. he exudes such confidence that people can't help but admire him. his looks are quite deceiving; he may seem a bit childish (what with that goofy smile and laugh of his) but his husky voice proves otherwise. he is a passionate man whose mind is always occupied by his ambitions. he dreams of becoming the kind of person who will make a difference through his music. he will jump at any chance given to him and will make use of any resources available. no matter how absurd his tactics may be, he will do what it takes to benefit himself and reach the top.

despite all of this, junwoo is quite easy to get along with. he does what he can to make the people around him, including strangers, to be comfortable in his presence. he won't be afraid to crack jokes here and there even in front of intimidating people. his wits are also one of a kind, though it sometimes get people wondering if he's in his right mind. he can either leave you speechless or just plain drive you crazy.


however, his confidence and open-mindedness don't always get on people's good sides. since he speaks up his mind most of the time, his blunt words can often hurt those around him. his sensitivity regarding others' feelings just gets thrown out the window, but it doesn't matter to him as long as lets out his thoughts. it gets worse once he's tired though; his irritable nature comes out. he won't stop complaining about everything if things aren't going his way. and once you get on his nerve, you'll be hearing an earful of insults from him.

he's charming and he knows it; of course, he wouldn't be the confident guy that he is if he weren't confident in himself. he never fails to throw compliments and praises directly towards himself. he can be completely absorbed in himself, especially when he knows he's done a great job at something.


- rock music

- cold weather/rainy days

- food

- drinking alcohol

- women

- beaches

- dogs

- traveling



- chores

- working out

- getting up early in the morning

- hot, sunny days

- when girls do excessive aegyo


- playing his guitar

- writing songs

- playing games on his phone

- surfing the internet

- playing basketball

- cooking


- touching his hair

- his lips when anxious

- excessive eye blinking when tired

- constantly checking his phone

- eating late night snacks


- he's a touchy person; loves skinship

- he loves watching girl groups perform

- he can rap, but he barely shows it off

- loves taking selfies

- has a blog dedicated to his music; he posts some of his works on it for people to enjoy

- he goes out for drinks/goes clubbing with several friends once in a while

- he has a chihuahua but he leaves it at his parents' place because he's usually too busy to take care of it

- he loves experimenting in the kitchen and coming up with his own unique dishes



background: jeon junwoo was born to a wealthy family along with his younger brother. he was born in daegu, south korea but his father had them move to japan for business when he was about a year old. he spent part of his childhood there and learned a little bit of the language thanks to his parents' japanese aqcuaintances. his mother gave birth to his brother when he was two years old. at the age of ten, they moved back to daegu and that's when he was enrolled in an international school where he took some english classes. upon finishing secondary school, his family decided to move to seoul for good and he went on to finish high school there.


while in japan, his parents had him take up classical music lessons, such as vocals, playing the violin and the piano. this helped mold his interest in music, and diligently attended his classes and learned everything he could. his instructors were always proud of him because he excelled in his lessons and always showed passion for music. however, after moving back to south korea, he had to stop those lessons as his parents required him to have his full attention on his studies. he didn't want to give up his love for music though, so he taught himself how to play the guitar without his parents knowing. despite this, he did well as a student, even topping his classes every now and then. but once he reached high school, he decided he wanted to take his life through a different path.


during his freshman year, he met a couple of guys who were looking to recruit a new member for their band. junwoo's passion for music was ignited then so he decided to audition for them. he was given a mixtape as a guide, and after listening to it, he swore his life had been completely changed; jeon junwoo had been introduced to rock music. he nailed his audition and became a guitarist and vocalist for the band. he discovered a whole new side to himself and went from a classic musician to a rocker. as he played for the band all throughout high school without his parents' consent, his love for rock music deepened. he had managed to master it and even write songs of his own. after graduation, however, the band disbanded.


after expresing his desire as to which path in life to take, he left his parents' place and moved out on his own as they wouldn't support his decision. he took several part-time jobs and had to fend for his own. he never regretted anything though.

father - jeon wonsik - businessman - closeness level: 6-10
mother - jeon joohyun - businesswoman - closeness level: 6-10
brother - jeon junhwa - student - closeness level: 7-10

quick interview:

how long have you been singing/dancing/rapping?:
- i've been singing since the age of six, so it's been about fifteen years now.

how did you find out about this audition?:
- my boss from this restaurant i worked at knew about my love for music, so once he heard about the audition, he quickly contacted me and advised me to take on this opportunity

How much do you want to win?:

- i want to win more than anything in the world. all my life has been about music so winning this would mean so much to me. not only do i want to prove those nonbelievers wrong, but i also want to prove to myself that i am capable of this.
what will you do with the money if you win?:
- since i fend myself, i would like to get a better place to live in and maybe get a car too. i would also use some of the money to buy better instruments and equipments for my songwriting.

what company would you like to be in?:

- it would be a huge honor if i get into yg entertainment since i'd be able to show everyone the true colors of my music. cj e&m music is a second close though.

comments: really love the concept for this applyfic! good luck with everything!
scene suggestions:
- junwoo playfully flirting with judge boa.
- collaboration with any of the other applicants.
- showing off his 4d personality backstage/anywhere offstage/in front of the judges.

- his brother comes to watch the show.

password: jeon junwoo


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hi my fellow applicant for Korea's got talent! :3 I really really love Jun ^^ He's gonna be a perfect boyfriend... lol >.<