Tagged by Bambamstar and peoples


1. Do you have an ultimate bias, if so who?

Hmm... Ultimate? Taeyang :D His voice and dancing are just... *glances at Jae*... They're... okay.

2. Do you like or have you even HEARD of LEDApple? (Listen to them if you don't wanna go through some serious with me...jk)

Yeah, I've got all their tracks on my phone. Gotta keep up with fellow Aussie Hanbyul, after all.

3. How important is family to you?

Family... My future family will be the world to me: my children, partner etc. My sister is someone I can't live without. My parents and their two sons, however, I can live without. Especially my father.

4. Any pets? If so how many?

Two. A terrier named Jiji and a toy poodle named Dolly.

5. Are you still in school/uni?

Yep. Uni.

6. Love or Lust?

Love. Lust is associated with only one kind of love, whereas love encompasses every type. Familial, friendship and spouses/partners.

7. Have you been on a plane before?

Yep. I love to travel.

8. Are you currently in love with someone?

Am I...? Haha, I'd have to say yes.

9. Do you have siblings?

I have a 17 y.o sister and twin baby brothers (none of whom are blood related to me).

10. Do you go on AFF more on your computer or phone?

Probably phone. I only actually reply to messages and such while on my computer though.



1. What is the most memorable moment in your life?

Most memorable... cannot be said here, sorry. Second most memorable... when I was told that I was going to get adopted?

2. Would you ever commit a crime for a good cause? (like steal do donate money to a charity, or to pay for your loved one's hopital fees)

Yes, although maybe I'd choose a crime that wouldn't hurt anyone else. If it's to save someone I love, I'd do anything.

3. What is your favorite fic and author?

Don't really have one yet. Not a big fic reader...

4. Who is your favorite friend on aff?

Ooh, I have a few really close friends... but favourite? That's like asking which of your children you love the most.

5. What is that one kpop ship you will never stop hardcore shipping? (if you don't have one, who do you secretly ship yourself with? don't act like you haven't)


6. Who is your ultimate bias, and your ultimate song that you will always jam to?

Taeyang and H.O.T's Candy. It was my favourite song when I was little.

7. What would you say or do if you had the chance to meet your bias in private?

Introduce myself, tell him that I look up to him a lot and ask to take a picture with him.

8. Would you ever become an idol and endure the hardships for the fame and money?

A lot of people have asked me this (and told me to try) but I've got to say no. Being a musician, I wouldn't mind, since I'll have a freedom with my music style and genre but definitely not an idol. There's a certain 'untouchable' vibe about them which I wouldn't want to be associated with. I don't want to be placed on a pedestal.

9. Favorite genre?

Music or fics? Ballads and Angst/Psychological/Horror

10. Who you want to punch in the face the most?

That's a little harsh. Punching is taking it a little too far. At most, I'd probably tweak someone's ear if I'm mad at them. And nobody, really.



1. Where do you live? (I don't need your address, hahaha. Just your country. This makes me sound like a stalker)

2. If you received one hundred million dollars, what would you do with it?

3. Describe your ideal type? (Or your partner if you have one already ^^)

4. What are your strengths? (And don't give me any 'I don't know's. If you can't think of any, tell me something you would like to improve in)

5. What kind of fics do you read here? (Or do you come here for therapy? Or both?)

6. How have you improved as a person in the past five years?

7. Where do you see yourself in the next twenty years? (Please don't say 'dead')

8. To fly, or to fall?

9. Tell me someone who has changed your life.

10. Infinite time or money?



I'm not allowed to tag my Bambamstar, am I? -.- Well, if you want to answer this, please do :)

- peoples

- Makino89

- Wonachan

- acidapple

- xomatic (if you're not too busy with trials...)

Have fun ~

*edit: peoples tagged me in her response so I'll just add it here ^^


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Wow, you would just tweak someone's ear? Wouldn't you want to punch that lady in the face?....or am I just too violent? Btw thanks for actually doing it, I didn't know if you would cause you tagged me first
u are kinda soft, you know...haha
...guess I'm about to make my first blog post...
Your questions are kinda hard...ahh...why did you tag me...hiu hiu...I'd answer it later when I'm on my computer
I could definitely live without my dad too :|
But my mom is great :D