Galaxy Entertainment ll Hari Takahashi ll Hari ll The maknae


Hira takahashi

TennaR • Tenna •6


the basics.

name » Hira Takahashi

nickname(s) — RaRa(spells lala) / her uncle gave her the name because she thinks its a cute nickname

birthplace & birthday » Seoul, south korea & 3rd febuary 1996

hometown » Seoul south korea

ethnicity » Korean-Japanese

language » — Korean / fluent / her dad is korean so he was teaching her korean and she sometimes talked korean with her mother
— Japanese / fluent / her mother and uncle is japanese so they talked and talks japanese with her whenever she talks with them

face claim » kwon su jeong
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery

backup face claim » Do hweji
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / gallery


appearance » she haves a lighter shade of skin than many people would have in japan, She is also colloring her hair  a mix of purple, blond and green to get a uniqe style of hair. She wears glasses, but on shows, and live performances is she wearing contact lenses.

style » her casual and varity show style in clothe is jeans, shorts, shirts and accoerise(?). She usually style her hair that her bangs will go down in her eyes, and have her hair straight so she will make a mystery image, and he always have sneakers on, and sometimes it will have wings on them, in the dorm will she have boxers(because she is to lasy to buy sleeping pants and she took the boxers from her twin brother) and t-shirt  and ankle socks. To practice will she have sweat pants and a big t-shirt over, at the formal evenet, he will wear black dresses.

" love isn't all "

" even if i broke down, would i still stand up and face the things i broke down uppon what broke me down "


the girl next door.

plotline » The maknae

personality » She usually comes up with A I don’t care attitude towards people she meets first. But when people gets to know her, is she a really warm girl and is really funny. Except when its work like in the studio or when they are performing. Might look thought but towards things and pets like pickachu and puppies, is she a little girl who smiles the warmest smile ever and gets really soft. She is easily laughing when someone is telling a fun joke and says when a joke not is funny.  Makes weird alien noises when she is sleeping and always mumbling weird stuff like what she is dreaming or what she is thinking. Whenever you see her, you can always see her with a smile on her face except when she is angry or is meeting strangers (not her fans). sometimes really arrogant towards people.

She is easily angry so when she is angry, is she having a cold stare in her eyes and her teeth is she biting hard together. And when she is sad is she holding her tears in, exemple if they wins an award, she smiles and holds her tears in and thanks the fans a lot. Laugh a lot when she is watching horror movies, or is in haunted houses or are trying roller-coaster. She is also very ert-minded even though she is 19 years old who should be caring for her members. She is teasing her members a lot while saying a lot of ert things, buts it’s not that common anymore, than from she was younger she is teasing her members that way. Speaks her mind a lot, but know when it’s too much or if its annoys people. and she knows if there is something wrong with her friends or band members, but its mostly like an aunt.

trivias »
LIKES  - Horror movies, she thinks they are funny and laughs at them all the time
- Haunted houses, she will se how far they will go on with making her scared and she will just shrug it off and laugh at the people who will play ghost's
- Hats, she loves all kinds of hats but most caps because they are comfetable
- Music, she never once let go of mixing music and write notes to lyrics, she love music no matter what
- Acting, she finds its funny and sometimes acts to get members insane
- Games like flappy bird, she easily gets bored and wiht games like these she will end up trying to break her own rekord
- Mocha, in the morning when she is on her way to the makeup artist's place will she go to the cafe' close to their dorm and buy mocha to get 1, his mood lightned up and 2 get the rest of her sleepieness away from her body.
- Rice, she dont know why but she cant live with out rice and eats it all the time(she is addicted)
- Chicken, always pleading her members and manager to get chicken to her
- Toy poddles, she loves them and its mostely because of her dogs, but its also because they are an easy dog and they make her smile all the time

DISLIKES  - Heights, when she was in the caple car to the seoul tower she looked down once and began to cry because she was real high up.
- Bungee jump, because of heights she wouldn't dare to go up and do bungee jump
- Cola, she think its unhealthy and she hates the taste
- Bulldogs, she thinks they are scary and she hates big dogs
- The Candycrush game, she think its boring
- Birds, they are RATS with wings on and they are creepy
- Dish washing, who likes it?
- snobs, she met snobs when she started his practice and she disliked them right away because they thought they was better than anyone else.

FEARS  heighgts, if she is up in some caplecar or example the seoul or tokyo tower... she will cry
big dogs... she only feels save with small dogs not big.

HABITS  - Listen to music, who dont, it makes her quiet.
- Takes funny pictures of her band members all the time, she will have something she can black mail them with later with the pictures
- Go walking with her two dogs Nuri and Ttori, because they need to walk outside and pee and poop
- cook she loves to cook, and make food
- mix music together, because she just do it(she learned from the staff)

HOBBIES  - when she eats he all the deleciuse first and mix it with rice
and eats it and then she will eat the other dishes
- when she sleeps... she snores and talking clear words.
- take selcas, not once have people seen her not taking selcas, only when she practice, will she not take pictures
- when she is with others will she pokes to his friends and make funny face and make people laugh
-read , yuri and straght m-rated manga

TRIVIA  she has been in SF for 1 and a half year and is good friends with alot from SM(also the artist's) , because she is kind of like wierd even though she is arrogant and cold at times
she Sleep talks with real words and not just mumbling
Sing in bath
hear music before and when she sleeps
sing in the car
eat alot when she wants to
she sometimes act like a aunt
always on twitter, instagram and kakaotalk
Hit people if someone tries to wake her up
She listens a lot to ballades
Loves to cook.
Loves to draw even if it not is good
Eat chicken in the morning
Listen to music when she sleeps
Favorite color is light Purple and Black and wears that kind of colors a lot
Sometimes scary with make up
Never cries in front of others
she cant gain weigh


home is where your heart is.

background »

HiRa was born in South Korea and lived there for 6 years, with going to school and everything, but her parents fought a lot and she was often crying herself to sleep because he thought it was her fault, which wasn’t the reason, the reason was her mother caught her father cheating on her. One day when she was about 7 years old, she moved to japan with her mother to her brother, a male whose name was Wataru takahashi who was and is gay. And she saw the new male as her new father because her real biological father didnt want to see him or his mother. It was something her mother had told her.

So HiRa grew up with a mother and a gay Uncle learning Japanese and Korean fluent while she also was going to vocal lessons, dancing lessons, baseball lessons, kendo and karate lessons, making her an active child, she was popular in school because she was sweet towards the other students in preschool, middle school and the start of the highschool, not because of her face but how she is that’s actually how it is in japan, and she always got really good grades making her in the top. Many envied her for have the perfect life, but actually would she every night cry herself asleep each day because of she heard her mother talk with her farter each day, now you may ask why, but its because her father wanted Hira back to him in korea but her mother wouldnt let her father get Hira back, Because when Hira and her mother moved to japan, Hira's father told he wouldnt have anything to do with Hira anymore, but HiRa's father regretted the decesion(?) and wanted her back.

One day HiRa said to her mother that she wanted to live in korea again, because her mother and Hira self, always got into fights making Wataru scared because the two girls made people shut their mouth with a stare when they was, but her mother didnt want to, but to her was it okay, she actually wanted to learn her father to known again. Her mother gave eventually up and accepted it and were letting her move to korea, and at that time was she 13 years old, and it was mid in the school year and when she was in the airport getting his stuff, a representive from YG came over to her and asked how old he was and if she was korean and all that stuff, and HiRa answered. The YG man gave HiRa a card and told her to go to the yg audition, because he had gone home from japan where he had heard he sing because he sat beside her at the business class in the airplaine(in Danish is airplain: Fly), and well she didn’t as fast as she wanted because she met her dad when she had gottten her stuff.

She showed the card to her father and her farther smiled and told her to go to audition, because of 1: he had been told by his ex-wife that Hira was a great singer and dancer, and 2: when she was younger she dreamed about standing on a stage, but couldn’t do it because well the chance was to low for her and her father loved to hear her voice...

Hira walked to the audition a week after and sang Taeyang’s wedding dress while she danced, she had learned the song the day before but she made freestyle with the dance, and you can say, she actually.. sorry i curse... She ed up with dancing but sang perfect with the song, and she got in.

Years went while she was a trainee and soon she had been there 3 years, where she was bullied because of her face, she told her father how she felt and he asked if she wanted to get the body and face she wanted and she said yes, I mean who wouldn’t? He took her to one of the best plastic surgery hospitals in Korea, and since her dad was and is a popular trot singer he had a lot of moneys. 

She got bigger s, so she could have a s-line. She got the v-line face, bigger eyes a straight nose and done so it was perfect, because she had a big mouth, small eyes, big nose and square face line and actually also, almost no s.

After that she recovered from it she auditioned but not at yg or one of the other big 4 as many would think... nope she auditioned at Galaxy and told them she was from yg but didn't wanna be there anymore so she sang the exact same song she sang to her audition in yg and danced, much better than she did in her first audition and actually got into the entertainment moving into a dorm with 2 other girls

PRESENT ♡ she is practicing hard to get her debut, maybe as a solist if she was lucky, now is she trying to be a part of genuine
she has been in Galaxy for 1 and a half year and is good friends with alot from Galaxy(also the artist and producers), because she is kind of like wierd even though she is arrogant and cold at times

TRAINEE YEARS   When she started being a trainee she was told to focus more on dancing and acting not so much singing, but still focus on singing, so she trained alot with some of the winner and team b members but didn't get close, and to be honest... she didn't get close with any trainee's in YG, she got close with some of the students in her school and they werent trainees. She got bullied because of her face but she never once broke down at all.
One day some of the girls that was the beauties of the trainee’s came to her one day and slapped her telling her to ‘ of’ and she actually got scared and she ended the training when the contract ran out.
she auditioned for Galaxy and got in and she trained for another 1 years and 6 months and it was after she got plastic surgery, before her debut was she being good friends with the producers and song writers because she wanted to be a singer/songwriter/producer later on, so she could write and produce her own music, and maybe the groups to.


family » — Mother / Lee Hyeyoon / 55 / Cold, Blunt, straightforward, caring
their relatationship is like ice and fire, they arent good together. HiRa is the fire and her mother is the ice, they will always fight and they cant agree with stuff. They arent close at all, if you say from denmark, scandinavia in europe to seoul in korea, thats how distant they are.
— Father / Lee Jeremy / 60 / warm, funny, caring lovely
they are having fun with each other eventhough HiRa havent forgotten  her parents thing they did so the family could get money(the thing with yoonmi acting). they will go on father daugther tours alone without her mother and twin sister, and talk, just talk. they are really close, its like saying they are pot and pann

friends/rivals »

— Best friend / Sako Yuki / 19 / funny, wierd, 4D
when they met each other, was Hira needing help to figure out the school and Yuki was the first to help Hira. They began to hang out and still is because Yuki moved to korea to work as stylist, so they see each other almost every day. When they are together are they joking talking and helping each other or going in café's together

— Leader and vocal rival Hyorin  /23 / Hilarious, sassy, jokster, actually undescribtible
HiRa dont have anything aginst hyorin like that, she sees hyorin more as a leader rival than like a allround rival orsomething. That means Hira is to trying to be a better leader than hyorin is for her group, and also to be a better singer than Hyorin(even though Hira only is a ok singer)

— Love rival / Kim Jongin  / 20 / Funny, Smiling, hard working, charismatic, Soft heartet
Since they, where going in the same school, SOPA, and had the same kind of classes even though she was 2 years younger(she is one of the smart people who ranks up a yaer of two to get some more for her education); vocal dance and acting, the only thing they don’t have class in together was PE. When it was lunch break where they playing with each other and Hira was sitting on jongin’s lap playing with his hands, and many in the school thinks they are a couple which they aren’t.

They would joke with each other and sometimes would they get detention because they talked in class. jongin would protect Hira against Sehun, so she wouldn’t be sad over it.
now are they aren’t talking so much, but they are, are they somehow awkward because a year after she came back in school was jongin confessing and she told him she didn’t have any feelings for him but he didn’t take a no for a answer so he kissed her…  and she hit him and didn’t want. and they stopped talking so she became good friends with Sehun, not caring about the past the 2 of them had, because he didn’t know it was the HiRa that he bullied before she got plastic surgery. Jongin was angry and is still angry because of Sehun and Hira’s friendship.


the one and only.

love interest »Oh Sehun

backup love interest » Huang zitao


personality »

This boy was literally adorable. most fans think he had the cutest pre debut photos of all. Sehun seems really happy when he was young. Many girls would have liked him but he probably didn’t have any romantic feelings for girls then. He probably was really popular too as he’s really pretty and I guess he probably just had a few friends who were close, mainly guys who he would hang out with.

After finding Luhan, it seems like they became best friends. I think Sehun likes to cling, not in the bad way though. He likes to hang out with his hyung and also do fun things together. Sehun is also a hard worker but it seems like he knows that he doesn’t play an important role. He is a really good dancer but Kai is the dancing machine making Sehun not the main in anything. Sehun loves to cry. He’s also a soft hearted person too, he may not seem like it but he is, he is also hard to control so I guess it would have been hard for people to grow close to him straight away.



love story »

FIRST MEETING  When she started in sopa together with Jongin and Sehun was sehun bullying her because of the ways she looked, but when she suddenly dessapaired from the school was he happy. A half year after was there a girl with the same name as Hira(who was the real Hira) was he falling for her at first sight. 
He didn't think it was the girl he bullied for 2 years, but it was. He tried hard to be friends with her and after some months of trying was she giving up and they became friends. she told him she had been friends with jonin but they came into a fight and weren't friends since(it was after Hira and jongin became friends she told him)

RELATIONSHIP  They are joking alot, and goes to arcades to play games aginst each other, or they play baseball together and are having fun, maybe are people thinking they are looking like a couple or something, but jongin are hiding his face, making sure noone know that its him with her. Sometimes will she visit Exo's dorm, even though Jongin and her arent talking, and she is with Sehun in his room talking, and ignorring the rest of EXO
and Hari and Sehun, are actually having big crushes on each other but arent sure if they are going to confess to each other.

CONCLUSION  They will end in a scandal together because they are seen together in the arcade playing game, that it will look like a date, where they also confess to each other. And then SM and Galaxy will talk with each other and then talk with Sehun and Hari to hear if its true, which it is... and the 2 companies will confirm the relatationship with that the couple have known each other for a long time, and that they have been together for 2 month dating.

last words.

comments/suggestions » songs: Bigbang and 2ne1s lollipop, coed groups: Its too late, listen to my pounding heart.

scene requests » hello baby
making of the star(with some fights between the members where the 2 leader take them away from the film crew and scold them, because it can ruin the image) & and a hidden camera scene for the 2 leaders by the other members.
the mv set where they are joking with each other

password » for the whole group: Coed school its too late, For the girls: 5dolls, lip stains and i mean you (your words), for the boys: Infinite's Wings & Ukiss someday


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