Waiting on Team B

Sorry that this is not a new chapter for my story or a new drabble (although I have a couple of drabbles that I'm thinking about which to post, and the next few chapters of wwbv are mostly fleshed out, just need to complete them T T). 

I experienced a downtime from Team B when all we'd get are blurry fantaken pictures of their backs/the side of their heads) and fanaccounts, but then even those became few and far between. I was happy for a moment when we got the WIN DVD, then news of them joining the YG Family Concerts. I'm amazed at the fandom that managed to scrape by with anything fanmade (videos, art, fiction, projects) and the occasional leaked selcas. 

I guess the most shocking news was that Team B was going to be in another survival show called Mix and Match (Double B in two actually with also SMTM). Everyone hurt for what the boys have to go through again, but also glad that somehow Double B managed to prove something of themselves on SMTM. 

I'm with you guys, I've grown attached to each of the boys and learned to love them as Team B, and now YG is going to make us watch them get torn apart T T and still, a part of me is excited for this show because I just want to see them again and be assured that I'm going to see them debut too. I'm being openminded to the three new trainees but I still hope for Team B to remain the same. I hope through M&M, the boys can prove themselves worthy to still stand as OT6.


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