Just my thoughts.

Everybody always told me that it isn't a real friendship when the people are far away from each other. Well, I think they are wrong. Same goes for love. If you really care about some one, you will try. It doesn't count where you live or where they live. If that person is really important, you will always have time for her. 

Why I'm making this? Because I'm sick when people tell me that I can't be friend with some one who live far away from me. 

You know what? I don't care about what you think. They are my friends, and I can always count on them. When everybody next to me will let me down, they will always be there for me.


Never saw them in real life? I don't care. Is more nice this way.

The best time of my day is when I can speak with them.



I'm making this for all my friends who don't live near me. 

I will always be here for you, and I will never forget you^^


(Again, it's the same in love<33)


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fromexogalaxy #1
Oh my God, this is just what I needed to read :')