
Decided to share a few of my prelim shoots for my assignment with you guys before I head off to bed.

I'd like to end the day on a positive note ^^

The task was a conceptual portfolio. It was about capturing facial contours and foreshortening of the body (which means partially nekkid pictures which I won't be posting up, sorry). Here are the facial shoots so far (the ones I'm happy with):

[All modelled by myself (because I can't afford a professional model -.-) How embarrassing...]


Fingers crossed for good marks ^^



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Woah. I was studying it a bit and I was--wow. The first picture felt so androgynous and the rest--nice bone structure. I like the first three--1. because well, as I've said it was androgynous and I like the way how the light got into your eyes. 2nd and 3rd--amazing bone structures and its nice that you thought of having the sepia tone (if it was called like that).

The fourth one looked a bit creepy to me--but it feels like it tells me a story. (sorry, I'm a weirdo)

Hope you'd get good marks on this--you look simply amazing.
Blackjack27 #2
Whaaa!! You look amazing! I'm starting photography this year and now seeing this just looks awesome! I wonder if I could do something this amazing?
Those are amazing!! You're also damn cute...and you look like my Hyukkie baby in the first pic!! Really good job!
Where is your eyes? o.o
your bf is a really lucky guy to have you!
awesome *four claws up* ^^
faced covered slightly and hand trying to reach face is really expressive. U r quite photogenic so u do look quite good in these.
They're so good! Lol your little note about the "nekkid" ones was really funny too! Good luck, hope you get good grades and dream about punching that racist ^^