
So! Here's another blog! As some of you may know, I am a AFF author of 5 stories and I absolutely love reading comments and responding to them. After being in AFF for a while now I have come to know that I have readers aging from children to adults which is just mindblowing and absolutely astonishing especially since I'm just a normal, average teen from Singapore.

In my previous blog, I wrote about ditching friends that make you feel really ish and bullying. I decided to make another blog also about something really close to me because I am still not comfortable about posting my real name but I am more than willing to share what my life has been like.

Today!!! Its about standards. Now many of us are reading fanfics mostly about korean stars even me, I love reading kpop fanfics. And sometimes especially us girls we love our boys... come on lets be real, I love my JYPE boys and girls but I kind of show my love to the boys and sometimes just sometimes I get jealous of the girls. ITS NORMAL. Its normal to be jealous of them because they're so well loved and so beautiful and they can wear everything and anything and look fabulous.

Maybe the last thing you guys wanna hear is a lecture but try to just listen to someone who has been in those shoes.

Maybe you guys have not been to Singapore before but really there are many beautiful, slim girls here. Furthermore, I'm in a school where there are many not only beautiful but smarter girls than me. (The freak). My self esteem gosh... WHAT IS SELF ESTEEM?! And what makes it worse is that most of them think they're ugly and I'm there like -_-... the freak you ain't normal girl. THE F. And they're so pretty and they're great as well! The only reason why they aren't happy is because of one thing... STANDARDS.

Now let me break down what the standards are in South Korea's case and this is what I have researched on my OWN and its not proven so please do not be upset or offended if I'm wrong. Basically girls have to be fair skinned, thin, need a thigh gap, 50 - 57kg is okay, nice eyes, defined nose, either high cheek bones for a chic look or chubby cheeks for a cute look. Okay lets be real we all can't have all those things unless you're really really blessed or you had surgery which there is nothing wrong with, it doesn't make you less beautiful than anyone else.

For those of you who... just hates being yourself. Seriously I want you to look back on your life right now. Perhaps you've been through a lot. You've fought a lot of battles, mentallly or physically or emotionally and now you're still alive and you've lived through it! Be proud of yourself for holding on! Be proud of going through all that with what you are now! People may have called you many ugly names and you're still here! And if you continue on living, being confident with yourself and not changing anything you previously hated, YOU JUST MANAGED TO SHOW THEM THAT YOU MANAGED TO GO THROUGH EVERYTHING WITH THOSE "UGLY" THINGS! You would have successfully shown them that you could live just like them eventhough you didn't have what they have. YOU DIDN'T ALLOW THE STANDARDS TO GET TO YOU BECAUSE YOU CREATED YOUR OWN STANDARDS.

All in all, I want my readers and also everyone to love themselves for who they are. Short, fat, tall, skinny, hairy or hairless, we're all beautiful in our own ways. As cheesy as it may sounds there is something called beauty from within its just that it isn't as popular as artificial standards. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and its up to us to use what we've got and rise up to the top.

I hope this has somehow inspired or motivated you to love yourself. Sometimes if we do stuff too late, we wind up thinking why we haven't done it earlier.



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itsthaiteaa #1
....i still don't like myself. ew. i am absolutely ew. /.\ i really want to like myself, but i can't help feeling everything i do is to get recognition. school, sports....on my official school transcripts, i only have 2 b's, the rest are a's. you'd think i'd feel smart or something. NO. i don't know what's wrong with me. i just reallly don't like myself.
When I was in high school I consider myself as a black sheep of the batch because of my insecurities but when I got to college I realize that every one is unique and that I should love myself. Since then I appreciate myself even though I may not be prettier or slim like the rest. I don't like my tummy fats when I was in high school but then I realize that I consider myself lucky because I'm not that slim like some others, one reason is that I'm huggable. People appreciate me for that and I appreciate myself. I accept what I am and what I am not.

Be confident on your uniqueness and with that you outshine your beauty from the rest :)
70V3LY #3
This is great! I truly believe and agree with all that you said. Honestly, beauty is defined beyond looks and brains. Some people may not be the most pleasing to the eyes or the smartest to stand out, but they have the most beautiful smiles and thoughts. Even sometimes when I meet people and they're not the artificial stands of beautiful, I can't help but see something mysteriously beautiful about them that I can't quite put a finger on. ^_^