NOVAVIATOR NEW ROLEPLAY. (Please Join! It's one of a kind and the fruit of my hard work)

Hello all my lovely suscribers! I'm not usually an excessive advertiser but I have just worked my off on a unique, first-of-its-kind roleplay that I think has the potential of being really fun! So I'm asking for everyone who's interested to pelase come check it out! Thanks guys!


Are you tired of the same old dreary role-play? Have you ever dreamed of something much bigger, much better, something much further away? How about something out of this world?
Well now, Mr. Galaxy Kris welcomes you to his galaxy world in a first-of-its-kind science fiction story telling role-play Novaviator!
Latin for "One who travels and navigates through the stars". 
Novaviators are young men and women of the 22nd century that devote their lives to the exploration and discovery of new galaxies and extraterrestrial life forms. Sign on today, join a crew and open the stars up for your exploration. 

                                           WHAT IS NOVAVIATOR?
Novaviator is a story-telling intensive, Star Trek / Doctor Who inspired facebook roleplay set on International Space Station IC1011 and the surrounding galaxies. Characters can be played as a variety of life-forms, including humans, alien races, cyborgs and more.

Starfleets and Captain positions are filling up quick! Join today and start exploring the stars.


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