I was tagged~

Tagged by Shawollingcamile~~~ 


Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post! 
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Questions I shall answer OuO
1. What's your mother tongue?
Finnish~ Like me

2. What's your favourite manga?
Wow, this is hard. Ummmm probably Stepping On Roses

3. Do you actually like/have a crush on/love someone?
Yes, sadly I do

4. What's your opinion (if you have one) on new taemin's hair ( Photo:https://31.media.tumblr.com/65fd34918a8789387cc04524cf00f0ab/tumblr_na06f2BURf1qmz1tno1_500.jpg) ?

5. How many Kpop posters do you have?
9 >.> Most are SHINee~ 

6. Do your friends know about you reading fanfictions and loving Kpop?
Only like three haha

7. What do you prefer for a male group: Cute concept or y concept?
I actually don't prefer either haha, I love every and all group no matter their concept!
But if I haveeeee to pick I pick cute

8. You prefer gay fanfics (between 2 idols), GirlxBoy fanfics (between 2 idols) or YouxIdol fanfics?
I prefer gay fanfics >////< 

9. Did you ever go to a Kpop concert?
Yes I have OuO Big Bang my babies~

10. Are you a registered EXO-L member? 
Yes I am! :D 

Questions for those I tag (Omg so sorry for the terrible questions)

1. Who is your ultimate bias?

2. If you could move to anywhere in the world, where would you move?

3. Favorite fic on this site?

4. What is your #1 pet peeve?

5. A language you want to learn or become fluent in?

6. How many kpop albums do you own?

7. If you could go to any one groups concert, what group would you choose?

8. Top three OTPs? 

9. How did you get into Kpop? 

10. What is one thing you would say to your bias if you met them? 

People I am tagging~ So sorry if I tag you.... >.< 

+ EunniexKitsune
+ MinHyukxxHyeong


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Oooh~~ I shall do it later ouo