What Camera?

So my birthday's next month (Sept 26th) and I've been wanting a really nice camera for a while now, so I'm planning on getting one. My mom said I should pick one out, also maybe a mic and tripod and a little extra stuff on the side. I want it because I make YouTube videos and I just want the overall quality of them to be better. I'm starting a Non-Kpoppers React series on YouTube and I want it to be all professional-looking. Also, I plan on going to a ton of kpop events in 2015 and I want some bangin' fancams.


The only problem is I have no idea what camera I want.


If any of you have any ideas, suggestions, or opinions on specific cameras, I'd be happy to hear them. I'm really open to what kind of camera I want, since I only have a little experience with photography and different types of cameras, but here's what I know:


I'm looking for a digital Canon or Nikon that comes with a lens when you buy it so that I don't need to get it separately. Price range isn't really important, but I'd prefer something from around $250 to $600. Even if it's not in that price range, feel free to suggest something to me.


Literally any input at all on cameras, microphones, or tripods is loved, so thank you to those who do.


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I recently got a cannon rebel T3i as a gift. I think it's pretty good.
Uhh this not a camera comment but I just wanna know ur youtube channel so I can subscribe
nikon coolpix p7000...no barrel tho
Hmmm I may be able help. Are you buying in the USA?