Cat and Mouse | Yook Se Kyeong | Jes (PlayItAgain)



AFF Profile  : PlayItAgain

AFF username: PlayItAgain

Activeness  : 8

Name : Yook Se Kyeong

Age  : 20

Birthday : 3.14

Height : 154cm (5ft2in...I think)

Weight  : 58kg (128lb)

Nicknames : Nabi (butterfly), Nari (lily)

Traits : Companionly, Mysterious, Understanding, Possessive, Secretive, Over protective

Likes : Watermelon, Stargazer lilies, Butterflies, The smell of rain, Thunder storms, Hot cocoa, Sitting by a firepalce when it's cold out, Reese'e cups, Watching the stars, Sunrises, Sunsets, Painting her nails, When people play with her hair, Taking pictures, Drawing, The sound of Autumn leaves crunching under her feet, The smell of cookies baking, Bubble baths, Listening to music, Riding her bike, Roller skating, Taking walks in a park, Going to the beach, Building sandcastles, Staying up late, Spicy food, Dancing in the rain, singing along to her favorite songs, Nutella, Instrumental songs with Piano and Violin in them, Being on top of high places and watching the world go by.

Dislikes  : Bad breath, Tomatoes, Getting up early, Loud noises, Selfish people, People who look down on others, Public restrooms, Bad smelling things and places, Slimey things, When her socks get wet, Exercising, Watching sports on TV, Sweating on really hot days, Bullies, Brushing her hair when its really tangled, Pickles, Greasy food.

Hobbies  : Drawing, Photography, Astrology, Writing poems, Reading, Playing Violin and Piano, Making little crafts like knitting and sewing 

Habits : Twirling her hair when she is nervous, Singing in the shower, Grinding her teeth in her sleep, Talking in her sleep, Biting her lip when she is deep in though, Chewing her nails, Rubbing her eyes when she is tired and smearing her makeup, Snorting when she laughs too hard, Over eating.

Apperance : 

Personality: Sekyeong is a girl of few words, and the words she does say, are quiet. Why? To make people listen. She has always been a quiet person, even when she was younger. This aspect of her personality gives her the mysterious aura that people seem to either adore or shy away from her. In the beginning people just thought she was shy, but as they got to know her, they realized it was the exact opposite. Sekyeong let her actions do ninty percent of her talking for her and is a firm believer in the saying: "Actions speak louder than words". So she always tries to show her feelings the best she can to refrain from being misundertood.

Sekyeong is always surrounded by people, friends and foe alike. People seek out her company whether it be the happy bubbly feeling she puts off by just being in the room with her or standing next to her to catch the few words that she does let past her lips. Whatever it is they feel comfortable and secure with her. The sense of security people get from her is from her habit of being over protective. Though this seems to be a good trait to have, there is always a flip-side to it. She has gotten into more fights and arguments than any of her other friends because of it. She tends to stick her nose into situations if she feels that there isn't something right about them. Sometimes her gut feeling is wrong and she leaves it be. But, most of the time she is right. She has confronted everything from bullies to crazy exes trying to get even.

Sekyeong is one of the most understanding people you will ever meet. Whether you have a problem at two in the afternoon or two in the morning, her door is always open, and her phone is always on, to male and female alike. She likes to be able to help when she can because she knows what it's like to just need to talk to someone. Though she seems like she is all butterflies and rainbows, Sekyeong has her dark side too. She is extremely possessive with it comes to her Friends. Even if she wont show it right away, when one of her friends goes out with out her, she gets extrememly jealous. Sekyeong is also secretive, though she likes to help others with their problems, she cannot bring herself to share her own. She feels that it would just burden the ones she caresabout most so she keeps them to herself.



Ulzzang Name: Rock Chae Eun


Love Interest :Leo, N


Main Love Interest: Ravi

Bio : Ravi is a serious, hardworking young rapper. He usually stays up late and practices after everyone else has already left. He likes to interact with other females that work for the same company that he does. He is very flirtatious, but makes it very clear to them that he is just joking around, even if skinship is one of his favorite things. Making girls blush is kind of a hobby of his, but it makes people think that he is just another playboy, but in reality it is the exact opposite. Ravi had never had a girlfriend and hopes to find the one when the time comes. He has a habit of teasing.

Ravi also enjoys sneaking out at night to go for a run or shoot some hoops with the randoms that he finds at the park. He loves to play sports and keep himself healthy. Basket ball and soccer are just a couple of his favorites. When it comes to food, he keeps everything organic, but he does have a weakness, candied pecans. The cinnamon and sugar coated devils tend to get the best of him everytime.

How they met: They haven't met yet.

Enemy : Sistar Hyorin

Why: Hyorin has a crush on Ravi and had named him as her ideal type multiple times. So she see's Sekyeong as competition 

His enemy :(OC) Choi YongBin

Why:They were trainees together and were schedueled to debute in the same group, but when they chose Ravi over him, it upset him causeing him to leave the company, now he is in a rival group that debuted under YG


Kids?  no

Married?  No

Betrothed?  No

If yes or maybe, please say who:

Anyone special such as family or friends you would like involved in the story? If so, please fill out one for each of the following:



Comments/Questions? Ask me!

--Have not met yet




Have an Idea for the plotline? Tell me!

--Cat and Mouse




Password: Ravi


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