Tagged by ThristForBlood

1 -- Exo or Exo ( bulls eye) 

A-  exo .... Stil would've picked them if u said who your fav boy group ... And I swear they taking over 

2-- ever wanted to punch me .. How many times :p

A -nope 

3--Choose heaven or hell

A- Why would you ask that .... 

4- burping or spitting 

A- neither ...

5- am I annoying ?

a- nope 

6- am I annoying ?

a- nope 

7- am I annoying?


8 - am I freaking annoying?

a- I can deal with people repeating the same thing .. I am patient ... So nope 

9- or normal boring all your life ?


10- mommy kink or ?

what does that even mean !!???? :s 

New questions for Tagged people ...





1 who's your ultimate bias 

2- what's your fav otp 

3- if You are a person who cares for the environment ... And there is two trees .and you can only chop down one tree..... One with Tao tied up and one with kai which one would you chop down and why 

4- would you rather have dance lessons from kai or taemin 

5-where would you go with your bias _____.. haunted house or roller coaster ...

6 - exo planet or mato 

7 - hello baby with you UB or WGM with your UB 

8 - part of a duet or large group 

9- would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with your UB or lost in the rainforest with your 3 bias group 

last one 10- would you rather see your ultimate bias group perform with only a few members or your least fav perform with all members ...... 

Dont forget to tag others ....




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Iliveforyou #1