The Royal Party | Hala | coolhalla


AFF Profile:

AFF Username: coolhalla

Activeness: 8

Name [Character]: Lee Hala

Age: 20

Birthday: 24th of January 1994

Height: 165cm

Weight: 46kg

Nicknames: Ella/ Choco/ noice ball/ gooffy

Likes: Rnb music / chocolate ice cream / walking at the beach / taking nature pics / Watching sunset because it represent the end of beautiful day and the begining of another / BBQ and night picnics .

Dislikes: bugs / blood / durtiness / being called stupid / liers / thunder 

Hobbies: Painting, Photography, Reading, Listening to music, Staying outside,  singing everywhere, Eating, Traveling, playing musical instruments / taking selcas


 she is like a happy virus. When she is happy she want people around her to feel happy. She gets happy really easy. She makes

everyone feel welcome. She is also sweet and caring. She cares for everyone around her.  She is very careful about anyone's feelings.Loves to

make others leagh and really outgoing and loud , loves animals and cute plushies , acts like an adult loves to take care of her friend because

 she thinks they make her life more beautiful .

 Not everyone is perfect.If something upsets her she just keep it all in afraid that if she express it she might hurt people around her . Cries

before sleep thinking nobody loves her . Can be really cold to who hurt her.

  is kind and bright! She makes the best out of any situation, even bad ones. She is the one who helps everyone lift their hopes. It wouldn't be great if she lost this spirit. She has learned to do so because she lost her mother long ago and was stuck to take care of her siblings with her father. 

Ulzzang: Name: | | | |

Love Interest: Ken









Credits to all the pictures from google

Main Love Interest:Ken


Ken the 20 years old adorable cute . He is usally the loudest and the most hyper a;oung his friends.Ken loves anims his favourite one is chopper from one peace , Ken makes everyone amused with his 4d charachter he is the moodmaker.  He loves to sing sweet love ballad songs'.  He also takes care of his family  members . Can be really convincing when he wants something , hates exercices so he keeps dieting thinking that he is fat .he is a vocal teacher at jellyfish ent

How they met: 

one day Hala was feeling really fed up with the hard workout and little rest she had , and  the sleep deprive when she stayed up all

night to master the new choreography and failing everytime at the same point , she broke down crying and frustrated . Ken was

passing by and saw the lights in the practice room -at jellyfish ent- on so he got curious then when he approuched he hurd faint

sobs and when he peeked through the ajar door he found Hala crying her heart out so he decided to help her and approched her

 , he comforted her and told her many funny stories with his kenjumma voice to cheer her up , from that point they become great

friends and on the way to that they fell for each other but were very shy to confess , and that how they met

Enemy: Hongbin

Why: Because he wouldn't stop nagging her and starting arguments. How can she not argue back if she hasn't done anything wrong. 

His Enemy: Ravi

Why: because he confessed to Halla about having feeling for her and they act really comftrbal around each other so he feels jealous that he didnt get enough courege to confess 


Kids? Yes | No | Maybe

Married? Yes | No

Betrothed? Yes | No | maybe


Password: Ken


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