☀Cherry On Top☀ ░ Angel Jung Hyemi ░


Angel Jung Hyemi
eyesmile_angel // blue // 8.5-9
» Talkative flyer


-Angie || her friends call her this.

-Yemi || her parents and brother call her this.
DATE OF BIRTH: June 12, 1998
AGE: 16
ETHNICTY: Korean-American
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles/LA
- English/fluent

- Korean/semi-fluent

HEIGHT: 170 cm
WEIGHT: 50 kg

Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Angel is always so bright, happy and cheerful. She always has a big smile plastered on her face. Always so talkative where ever she is. But, she somehow managed to get some good friends and avoid being TOO talkative in class and getting in trouble. She was always this bright since, well, since she was born. She was smiling from the moment she entered this world. It was kinda creepy, but, everyone adored her smile. Angel is also kind, and caring. She would always help people and help them up if they fall / slip / trip. She even carries a bunch of band aids (these, these and this) with her, (maybe or maybe not for herself). She is practically a band aid vendor!

She is sweet and innocent girl. Angel has a soft spot for children (and Junhong). She grew a liking to kids when she was back in America. She often did volunteer work, and most of them were taking care of little kids in these activity thing. It's where little kids and their parents drop in and stay for two hours. They play with toys, do crafts, do puzzles and have snacks. (I happen to know a place!) But, sometimes you don't know who's the kid and who's the supposed to be mature one.

But, let me warn you. She has a bad and evil side. Betray her or backstab her, or hurt her or her friends or family, and you get to witness her ugly and evil side. Although that side is rare, it still exsists.....

If you ever backtab her, beware. First, you will notice that she isn't talking as much (OMG! Her, not talking?! ikr XD)Second, the look in her eyes is different. Instead of her warm, bright eyes, they are cold, "deathly" eyes filled with hatred. Third, she wears dark clothing, but manages to not look goth.

When she stops talking, you get the hint that she's mad. This is your cue to apologize to her or her friends or family. But, if you miss your cue, her gaze is different. Now, if you notice this, you should get yourself prepared for some humiliation. That was the point of no return. It gets worse, when she changes her clothing to dark, "evil" clothes, you know what's coming next; she will say hurtful words, she will hurt you, and humiliate you even more! Now, this lasts for AT LEAST 1 month, maybe even more depending on what you did!

When she has forgiven you, she will turn back to her normal, bubbly, talkative self. 

"Evil" Outfits: 1 2 3 4 5

Regular Outfits: 1 2 3 4 5

» Background

Angel Jung Hyemi was born on June 12, 1998 in Los Angeles, USA. She has a mom, a dad, and one older brother! Growing up, she was the youngest in the house hold. So of course, she acts like a baby. She is some-what spoiled. Her vrother was older than her by 10 years, so she had 3 people buying her gifts and toys!!! As much as she loved the attention and love given to her, she thought that it was too much. But, her family said that was okay since they were rich. She thought it was burdensome, but happily accepted all the gifts. There is one from each family member that she treasure ever so deeply. This (from her mom), this (from her dad), and this (from her brother)!!! She treasure everything so much, that she wears them EVERYDAY to school, when out shopping, when she's working at cherry on top,basically all the time (other than when she is taking a shower^^). She would flip if she ever misplaced any of them. It makes her feel that they are right there with them, since she went to South Korea by herself and her parents and brother stayed in America.

Like I said in the previous paragraph, she went to South Korea by herself. When she was 14, she decided that she wanted to have an adventure, and live in a different country. She decided on Korea, because her parents were born there and lived there until they were 25. At first her parents and brother wanted to come with her, but she insisted on going by herself. They had a little deal. Yemi (what her family calls her) can stay in Korea by herself, as long as she lives in the apartment that they bought her, and live there with her grandma from her mom's side. Of course, she accepted the offer and started packing her bags(to which one suit case may or may not be filled with stuffed toys and her most treasured items from her family^^).

She was a transfer student. Angel transfered in the middle of the year. Her first friend was the beautiful manager. Although they were in different grades and sides of the school, they still ended up being bestfriends. They met on Angel's first day of school. She was lost and didn't know where the cafeteria was and spent the first 10 minutes of her lunch break, looking around the school (basically, in circles). The beautiful manager found her and brought her to the cafeteria. She introduced Angel to the others and they welcomed her, half-warmly, half- who is this kid?XD They all became comfortable around her though after a couple of weeks. They thought she was an odd ball, but thought it was cute...sometimes XD

Angel and the beautiful manager often act like mother and daughter XD They bicker alot and the beautiful manager nags Angel alot, but they make up sweetly at the end^^

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: talking
  • two: chatting with friends
  • three: meeting new people
  • four: making friends
  • five: a certain someone in her class <3
  • six: being herself
  • seven: anything sweet
» Dislikes
  • one: her annoying neighbor (annoying, huh, coming from you, they must be really something)
  • two: spicy food
  • three: people making fun of her for being not so fluent in Korean
  • four: being alone
  • five: small, tight places
  • six: math
  • seven: clowns
» Fears
  • one: birds
  • two: spicy food (yup, to Angel that's an actual fear)
  • three: closed, tight, dark spaces
  • four: being alone
  • five: clowns
» Hobbies
  • one: talking
  • two: eating(not spicy food though)
  • three: swimming
  • four: badminton
  • five: volley ball
» Habits
  • one: day dreaming
  • two: zoning out / staring into space
  • three: puffing her cheeks and making cute and funny faces while she is bored
  • four: biting her lip cutely when she is hungry
  • five: singing loudly while listening to songs with out even realizing it
» Trivia
  • one: in her sophmore year
  • two: was born and raised in LA, but moved to South Korea when she was 14
  • three: she never grew out of the stage when you love your stuffed toys^^
  • four: has a MASSIVE stuffed toy collection
  • five: part of the school's badminton and volley ball team
  • six: some-what traumatized by clowns
  • seven:hates math but loves math class thanks to a certain pretty boy who happens to sit right next to her
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Baek Sumin / other gallery
» Backup Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Park Boram / other gallery
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Zelo / Choi Junhong (BAP)
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: October 15, 1998 & 15, turning 16 (November 16, 1998 & 15, turning 16)
BACKUP: Park Hyungsik (ZE:A)

You know those nerds. The ones who gets pushed around and shoved into lockers. Well.....Zelo is the complete oppositte. He is one of the school's kingka. Being the most famous kingka-despite being the youngest one-he has a lot of followers, fans,slaves, and servants. There is no one in the school who hates him. The boys, who's girlfriends are swooning over him, don't mind, knowing that he will just break their hearts so they come back running to their respective boyfriends. Even when he crushes their hearts, they still love him.

He is known to be cold and a heart breaker. No one knows the reason to why he is so cold. Zelo never told anyone, even his fellow kingkas and best friends. All they know is that it happened when he was younger. Despite being cold, he is pretty fun to be around with, as long as you don't piss him off, he is an angel. He may be ignorant and distant (to strangers and those who he despise), he is fun andlively with his peers. His friends were confused at first,but shrugged it off and were thankful that they didn't receive the cold shoulder.

Let me tell you the reason to why he is so cold. When he was 4 years old, his parents were in a car accident. both of them died, but died happy. Little Junhong was left to live with his aunt and her family. His aunt was a sweet old lady. She would care for Junhong as if he was her own. But to Junghong, it wasn't enough. He craved his parents love, in which, sadly didn't happen. As much as he loves his aunt, he is cold and distant to strangers and people whom he don't know so well.

» INTERACTIONS & how you met

The two first met in their freshman year. They went to the same highschool and had some classes together. Their first meeting was in science class (freshman year) and they met halfway through the year. Hyemi was a transfer student from America and knew very limited Korean. Her very first introduction was to the whole class. It went a little something this. "Annyeonghaseyo, cheonun Angel Jung Hyemi imnida. Jalbutakdurimnida. *bows 100°* (hello, my name is Angel Jung Hyemi. Please take care of me)" Angel said. "But please call me Hyemi since we are in Korea" she added quickly. She said everything with her clumsy Korean but still managed to not mess up which resulted in the whole class laughung at her. Despite being made fun of, she was still smiling brightly and happily. There was one boy who caught her eyes though. He was non other than Prince Junhong. Zelo caught her eyes from the moment she entered the classroom. From his charisma to his random cuteness, everything about him attracted Hyemi. She fell in love for him. Maybe too far.....

The two are now seatmates. Hyemi was internally screaming and thanking her teacher for putting her beside him. She would take several glances at him during class. She would always TRY to initiate a conversation with him, but fails since he would ignore her full time. Zelo even told her to stop annoying him or else. Since then, she stopped trying to initiate a conversation, but would take secret glances at him and watch him from afar. The two only have math class together. Zelo would praise the lord that he doesn't have to see her nor be near her in any other classes, whil Hyemi would curse her schedules. She even got some anti's from when Zelo told her to stop being so annoying and obbsesive, and of course, there were SEVERAL people watching. Maybe around a couple hundred people were there.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I know, I know, Park Boram is an older ulzzang, but she has a baby face, so she looks WAY younger than how she acctually is! I hope I the changes are fine^^
-Angel and the beautiful manager acting like mother and daughter XD

-Angel having to eat something spicy and acting like a big baby(which she is)
-A clown popping out of no where and scaring Angel and making her bump into Zelo, which leads to Zelo pushing her off of him with a scoff
-Hyemi losing her beloved necklace, hairband and bracelet,and having a HUGE breakdown
-Mother-daughter type moments with Angel and the beautiful managerXD

PASSWORD: vanilla with caramel^^
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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