soalan dari minah lodeh..

RULES  Rule 1 : Post the rules! Rule 2 : Answer the Questions the tagged asked you,then make 10 new ones! Rule 3 : Tag 5 people and link them to the post! (Optional for me) Rule 4 : Let them know you've tagged them! ( Q by minah lodeh :p 1) wassup ? Wassup bunjut adabi... 2 )Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best? A lot, kalu ak cerita panjang giler, esok lusa blm tentu abis 3 )   is it good to be alone or with many people around you at all time ? Alone is ! Don't be alone,, Becoz it hurt u much. 4 ) what does the vampire says? Blum smpat dia ckp apa2 aku dah 5 ) What do you think about Jay ? Lol. Jay? Dugu? Minah lodeh? Hehe..she nice. 6 ) Red is cool...are they cool for you too? Nope..I hate red, 7 ) state 10 things that important to you in your lifetime ?. 1.Allah 2.His love, rasullulah 3,Mum 4.Dad 5.Sis 6.Dongsengs 7.Friends 8.Pets 9.Wan.. 10. My self 8)  Wu Yifan is really left Exo now? ;^; Yeah dude! 9) What was the last experience that made you a stronger person? Hit a damn wall 10 )  is it okay to be a traitor sometimes for your own good? Nope..don't ever do that if you don't want other do that too.. Lol   Nak tag sapa? Entah..ak gune phone xtau nak tag..but to people read this, here my questions; 1. What make you cry lately? 2. Do you believe love exist in this world? 3. Does friend mean to hurt us? 4. Who love me? 5. Who hate me? 6. Who will understand me? 7. If you need to choose, either wait or leave, what will be your choice? 8. What will you do if you have an ability to read people mind? 9. Ever you feel so bored until it make you do smtg ridiculus? Like what? 10. Why it hard to say no?


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*kepala berpinar d(*n*)b*
Dude, mcm mana kau leh benci merah!? </3
my soul's color is red laaaaaaa
exotics99 #2
ni mesti gne phone kn ?