
How to be so creative idea?

How to create a good plot in the story?

How to be so good in writing?

How to overcome this lazy feeling?








How to gain many subscribers?


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So gain subscribers you just have to write. Do what you love and people will follow.
Don't stop. Just carry on doing what you're doing, let yourself just go with the flow- it will come to you!^^
Creativity is in everyone naturally. And it can be expressed differently. A lot of times, it can stem out of inspiration just by watching a couple of movies, reading books or comics. So maybe you can try that out. A good plot on the other hand, also partially depends on the individuality of your ideas and its creativity. And another part that contributes to a good plot in my opinion, are your writing skills. You can improve your writing by reading books. Books always help.
And everyone feels the laziness that comes with writing. Another thing we experience is writer's block as well. To overcome that, I usually do things that make me motivated. Such as watching dramas, and knowing I don't want to abandon my story.
Subscribers will naturally come as you continue writing. But don't let it get to you. The important thing is, you enjoy the story you write. You write because you want to right?
Hope this helped a little. :)
Improving your creativeness and having good story plot, you can always look up for inspiration. Also read more books to improve your writing skills! Like the authors with good writing skills on aff here, you can always read their stories and analyse how they write. Don't be lazy and start writing now! haha. To gain subscribers, your stories have to be interesting and eye-catching so keep practising writing and you'll know how to work with catching your readers and be creative~! ^-^