OTAKUS HELP ME! Manga suggestions?

So during the summer, I found myself sitting in the corner reading a bunch of manga. I really got hooked and can't put my phone down and watch animes too.

I'm just wondering if you guys could give me some recommendations?

I prefer: Comedy/Romance/Shoujo or Supernatural/Romance/Fantasy as long as it has romance in it.

I already read/watched:

♡Kamisama Hajimemaa (Ilovethissomuch)

♡Hirunaka no Ryuusei

♡Faster than a Kiss

♡Ao Haru Ride

♡Last game

♡Kyou no Kira Kun

♡Taiyou no Ie

♡Youko/Inu x Boku SS

♡Dengeki Daisy

♡Black Bird


♡ori Renai

♡Say I love you

♡Kimi ni Todoke

♡Akagami no Shirayuki

♡Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

♡Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji


♡Kaichou wa maid sama



♡Fairy Tail

♡Hana to Akuma (lovethissss)

and other one shots.


And If you know some Manga that involves male foxes or anything like Kamisama Hajimemaa please tell me! ㅠㅠ

Please help me out ㅠㅡㅠ



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I know male werewolf lol...plus it's