Winner Debut ; Aff



 i swear the new aff is like another lj wtf 





Seriously what's with the winner fight about. I think their  debut is a pretty good one (even though i love team b) and some are like i'm disappointed and I, someone who forgot my youtube password really wants to tell those who said that "YG ain't gonna listen to your petty comments so get out of the fandom or stay disappointed." 

Seriously. Even when you watch Colour Ring MV, the first comment by Jordan, there's someone with a  profile picture about nails getting mean comments from fans. I pity here, I mean, I totally agree with her. Colour Ring IS pretty boring, Empty is better. And everyone's like fighting her back and here I am behind the computer screens like "what, just becaue you're a fan you have to like all of their songs and not judge it?" like eally, people like them piss me off. Like I remember abut the baekyeon issue, I was calmly and politely stating my opinion about them and I got bashed? Can't people just accept someone else's point of view. Sheesh, I hope you people read this. 

Let me repeat, yes colour ring is boring I listened to it for the first one minute and exited tab.

Gonna hate on me?





heads lol jk 


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