I like the new AFF (BLUE IS MY FAVORITE COLOR. LIKE LEGIT THERE IS NO OTHER COLOR BETTER, OK?) but its like even with the new theme, haters are still gonna be haters. I’ve been reading fics here for a while without being a member until I realized that it was so unfair to the authors. For all the authors whose fics I followed but never commented on or subbed to, MIANHE. I was so selfish. OTL


I don’t write but some of my fave authors have been leaving this site or just stopping writing or updating because they feel unappreciated or ignored and at first I was like Girl, you’re totally ungrateful. and OK, I totally called one out on PM. She made me angry, OK? Because she stopped the fic right when it was getting to a good part. She was cool though. She should have been angry at me and told me to get lost but she just really rreally really nicely told me all the reasons she was quitting. And when I talked to some other authors, OMFG, the sh*t some of them go through. Like being plagiariased and no one giving a flying F enough to report it even thought OMG THEY LOVE THIS FIC SOOOO F-ING MUCH and being harrassed because of slow updates (LIKE AUTHORS HAVE LIVES TOO! THEY AREN’T FIC MACHINES, OK?) and all this other cr@p stuff that just made me depressed and like I’m never gonna write because I don’t want any of that. Its like legit asking for abuse or something.

Here’s some of the sh*t she and other authors I talked to said they have to deal with. I can’t even.

1 one author who writes said someone said her was always the same. Like it was the same formula or something and it was boring. But no, this “critic” (eyeroll) didn’t tell her on the fic she hated or whatever. She just wnet and talked sh*t on SNS. HOW THE HELL DOESS THAT HELP THE AUTHOR TO IMPROVE IF YOU DON’T F-ING TELL HER? HOW MUCH HARDER IS IT TO WITCH AND MOAN ON SNS WHEN YOU CAN JUST HIT COMMENT RIGHT HERE?

2 same author said she had one reader who didn’t have a problem with her but she found out the reader who’ll be called “A” was always going around telling people their or whatever. And I was thinking Oh, she must be an experienced writer, right? Wrong. WITCH HAD NEVER EVEN WRITTEN UNTIL LIKE A MONTH AGO. Its OK to be a critic even if you don’t write, but I read that A’s and it . Like it wasn’t even hot. It was like This happened. That was wet. This was big. Smh. And her criticism wasn’t even constructive. Plus the author said she was always trying to start sh*t and sticking her nose in other people’s fights. She must live a sad frustrated little life. Maybe she should get a dog or something.

3 I don’t know if I agree but this one author said she had some friends who were readers and subbed to all her fics and commentd on like all of them and they all had recommendation shops, but they never recommended ANY of her fics. She said she didn’t want to be angry but it really did make her angry because why did they say nice things and whatever but not bother to recommend her fics? I understand her but I don’t know if I agree. I think they shold have freedom to rec or not but yea it must when your “loyal” readers just ignore you like that.

4 one kinda famous author (3000+ subs) said she has the feeling sometimes that some “Friends” want to hang on her to get some of her fame. Like a person I call B would ask the famous author to read and comment on her fic so that her name would be therein the comments and other people would be like Hey this author likes it! It must be good. And B would sayd I want some help but then totally ignore the famous author’s constructive comments. WHY ASK FOR THEM? WHY WASTE HER TIME? This two –

from http://affconfessions.tumblr.com


5 its similar I think to another problem another author had about being “guilt” into reading people’s stupid fics. This is what I have to say -

from http://affconfessions.tumblr.com

Yea, all those people should go F themselves. YOU F-ING JERKS ARE THE REASON GOOD AUTHORS STOP OR LEAVE.

Authors, FIGHTING. <3



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I can't agree more with this omg. I wish that some readers would just straight out tell the author what they want changed or different than bashing about it elsewhere. And I've experienced 4 and 5, although the users were actually really nice and gladly accepted my criticism. I guess it depends?
You know it's funny: AFFConfessions doesn't allow bashing of any kind, yet what do I see everytime I go on there? Bashing! -__- Nothing but hateful posts directed at certain authors it's ridiculous. Yeah I'm all for Freedom of Speech of course: But, bashing another person is not in any means 'Free speech' it's just an excuse to be a to someone that's not cool.

Critques are good but some critiques should learn the difference between flat out bashing and being honest. You can critque someone without acting all badass about it though unfortunately some don't get that apparently.