on air! - Ahn Sojung

t h e  s t u d e n t  i d
name ⟶ Ahn Sojung
nickname(s) ⟶ Soju - Sehun calls her this to annoy her
birthday/age ⟶ 10/08/1994 - 20 years old
birthplace/hometown ⟶ Bucheon
ethnicity ⟶ Asian
height/weight ⟶ 164 cm || 50 kg   
spoken languages ⟶ Korean (fluent)
year (full-time)/area of study ⟶ Sophmore
visual ⟶ Park Hwan Hui || Gallery
back-up visual ⟶ Soyu // Gallery
style ⟶ She usually just wears jeans and a t-shirt or hoodie, depends on the weather. She likes wearing light colours and has a very simple and innocent vibe around her. She refrains from wearing bright, bold colours and flashy dresses. The only thing that matters to her is comfort. She likes skirts but only because they're less restricting than her jeans or shorts. At home, she's never out of her pyjamas and loves her oversized clothing. 
t h e  p e r s o n a l i t y 
personality ⟶ Sojung is even quieter than a mouse. The girl had come over from Bucheon to Seoul in a hope to gain some independence but it's proving to be a little harder than expected. A quiet, introverted girl like her finds it hard to even walk by herself, how does she expect herself to make friends and go partying every night? The thing that makes it worse is her speech impediment as she can't get out a single sentence without stuttering and it only makes her hide in her shell more. Her stutter has really made it hard for Sojung to make friends and socialise. though she really would like to be more social, it's an automatic response to shy away from people. Whenever she coudn't get a sentence out, people would try and finish the sentence for her, get bored waiting or just cut her off which had left her to stop trying. When meeting with people she's never met before, she gets even more agitated and her stutter will only get worse. She gets through most of her life saying a short a sentence as possible and merely nodding or shaking her head. However, she does like to listen to peoples' conversations and laugh along to stupid jokes. She doesn't talk a lot but just analyses people from a far. She sees a lot but doesn't necessarily say anything. She has excellent instincts and intuition but doesn't trust them enough but before making a decision, she always weighs out all the pros and cons but is quite indecisive and scared of making choices because she feels like one wrong decision could ruin everything she's ever worked towards. 

When it comes to tasks or her own work, she is hardworking (and extremely passioante when it comes to her music) but has a one track mind. Despite the fact that she can only concentrate on one thing at a time, she tries her hardest in whatever she's doing (espeically if it's an errend for someone else because she doesn't want to disappoint them). Sojung is a thoughtful person and a people pleaser who puts others before herself. She can't say no to people and doesn't like conflict or confrontation, so she just goes along with other people to keep the peace. Sojung is also the type of person who thinks she can handle everything by herself becuase she doesn't want to burden other people with her emotions. She won't say anything if she's upset or tired or any emotion that makes her feel helpless and weak. She prefers to brave it all with a smile on her face. The only time she ever tries to stand up for something is if the situation is unfair, espeically if it's something involving her, like people taking advantage of her or people making fun of her. 

She is also one heck of a perfectionist. everything has to be in it's place, everything in her apartment is labelled and neat. She hates change because she spends a lot of time making a schedule to base her life on, it brings her stability. If something goes wrong on her scheulde or she is even a few minutes behind, she will most likely have a mental breakdown. 
biography ⟶ Growing up was hard for her, especially when other people would be playing with their friends all the time and she was alone. Usually she would be outcasted because of her stutter but stuck by Baekhyun's side, who is her family friend. But he soon moved away to Seoul and left her all alone. She gre up in a well off family, both her parents were buissness people and socialites but she was always the one who brought disappointment to her family because of her stutter, her sister would always get the praise because she's charmy, bubbly and friendly. After graduation, Baekhyun got in contact with her and suggested that she came over to Seoul to go to university and she jumped at the chance. After enrolling, he told her he introduced her to his friend Sehun who she instantly fell for. Baekhyun got her to join the radio and she agreed because she could make friends, Baekhyun needed help and to get closer to Sehun who worked behind the scenes. 
likes⟶ the colour red, making lists, balance, the cold, big dogs, the smell of watermelonds, action movies, singing
dislikes ⟶ being bored, being helpless, ghpst stories, people screaming, the heat, being critisised, disappointing people, sport/exercise, physical pain
habits ⟶ abusing her lips (peeling, , biting etc) all day every day for no apparent reason, plays with her food, her leg shakes everytime she sits down. 
trivia ⟶ she is scared of disappointing people, is allergic to seafood, an expert at eating spicy things, doesn't get sick often and if she does has no idea how to look after herself so she just carries on like normal (sometimes not even bothering to take any medicine_, whenever she laughs, she covers her face with her hands or hair or anything she can get her hands on, her stutter will get worse and she'll turn bright red when flustered, doesn't like people who half- things, her passion is singing because she doesn't stutter when singing.   
friends/past lovers/rivals/enemies ⟶ n/a
thoughts on lord bearSojung is a very cautious of lord bear and always steers clear of him. She is usually scared of interacting with people, but because she has no idea what's on the inside of the costume it only makes it worse. She literally feels like crying everytime he looks in her direction. 
l o v e  i n t e r e s t  o n e
name ⟶ Oh Sehun

personality ⟶ Sehun walks around with this poker face and an aura that screams 'I'm better than you peasents.' he knows he's hot and takes advantage of it. He enjoys all the attention he gets from doting noonas and affectionate hungs. He is bratty, attention seeking and loves to recieve everyone's love. He hates feeling unimportant and will wallow in self hate before going off into the corner and pouting. He hates people touching his things, even if it's one of the girls who has a crush on him. Hinteu. He's a free spirit, who just goes with the flow - of his own wind tht is. He hates following rules or listening to what other people tell him. This is his life, let him live it how he wants and stop the lecturing. He doesn't like wasting his energy on things and often leaves things until the last minute like doing his homework or realising he's hurt someone's feelings. He's quite a prideful person who doesn't like admitting he's wrong but if he's extremely sorry or has a soft spot for that person, he will apologise in the most abiguous and trivial way possible. 

relationship ⟶ Sojung's crushing on him and Sehun treats her like a slave, always getting her to run errands for him because she can't say no. He takes advantage of her a lot, especially since she has a crush on him, which he finds out pretty quickly. She just blushes everytime he speaks to her and agrees to every one of his requests. He made fun of her stutter a lot and was a to her before she decided she had enough and confronted him, cried and ran away and Sehun didn't see until it was too late that he was being a to her. 
l o v e  i n t e r e s t  t w o
name ⟶ Park Chanyeol
personality ⟶ He's a bright little ball of derp. Fun loving, sweet and gentlemanly but quite careless, Chanyeol is always forgetting or losing things, most of the time his own footing. The giant is always tripping over things - usually his own lanky limbs - and bumping into things - especially people shorter than him. He's so cheerful all the time, it literally blinds those who look at him and he's optimistic too, so much it's almost annoying. But he's also a lazy , espcially in the morning which is when he acts like his soul left his body. He never leaves anything half finsihed and knows what he has to do to get what he wants and if the time calls for it, he's prepared to be a lttle manipulative to get it. He's not a very straight forward person and has trouble talking to people if he's not beating around the bush, always worried he'll offend the other person and he comes off as really awkward. He's known for half assing everything but is fiercely loyal to his team and would lay down his life for friends and family. He also likes taking care of other people and making them happy. If he sees someone needs help hell offer it straight away. 
relationship ⟶ A first Chanyeol had watched her from a far because he felt a little sorry for her. He's always there when she least expects him but needs him the most. Whenever she has one of her mental breakdowns and feels like , Chanyeol cheers her up and they become quite close after what happened with Sehun. He treats her well and looks after her, taking care of her and worrying for her is a part of his routine now. She laughs at all of his cheesy jokes but when someone comments about how they look good togehter, she'll get all flustered and deny it. He's always there for her and she's thankful for that but sometimes she feels like he's only nice to her because he pities her. It could be that a person as wonderful as Chanyeol likes her, right?
l o v e  i n t e r e s t  t h r e e
name ⟶ Byun Baekhyun
personality ⟶ He is a headstrong, stubborn boy who drags his heels quite hard and likes a good debate. Unless of course you compromise - bribe - him with something. Baekhyun also is a funny joker, always able to put a smile on everyone's faces with his jokes and snarky comments. He's carefree and easy going but when it comes to something he doesn't want to do, he will be quite clear and straight forward abuot it. He is also confident bordering cocky and knows exactly when and how to turn on the charm, but isn't one to become manipulative unless it's for a good cause. He is a sassy little diva who always has to have the last say and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty with hard work if it means he gets a good reward at the end. 
relationship ⟶ He'd forgotten about Sojung for a while before his mother reminded him. He didn't really mean it at first when he got in contact with her and told her to come to his university and was a little annoyed when she did. It was all in the past and he wanted to move on from it. She moved into the same apartment complex as him and he only checked on her because his mother told him to. At first it was like a chore and he wanted to get rid of her because she was always wherever he went, following him around like a lost puppy. But Sojung seemed like she really needed him and it was a nice to his ego so he carried on. He also took advantage of her a few times but after the incident with her and Sehun he stopped and treated her better, like a real best friend should. 
t h e  e n d i n g  s t a t e m e n t
username ⟶ baekingcakes
comments/questions/concerns ⟶ sorry if it's a problem that all my love interests are exo, I'm not familiar with any other boy groups but I can change it if you want 
scene requests ⟶ Sojung gets sicks and doesn't know how to look after herself so Chanyeol does it for her. 

Sehun apologises in the most trivial way possible but it makes her laugh. 

She and Baekhyun get drunk and have a heart to heart. 




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