Tagged by Lukookie again^^

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Tagged Questions:

1. Is school hard for you?


2. If I was selling chocolate, would you buy some from me? (I actually am btw :p)

also depens.. I only can have pure chocolate, my tummy aches after milk :'(

3. Do you watch commercials or do u just skip them?

If it's a Korean or japanese one I'd like to watch because I don't understand

4. Do you like babies? (I don't mean, do you like HAVING babies. I just meant babies in general)

not directly I mean they're very cute and stuff but I like it more when they start talking walking and playing

5. Do you drink soda? (Very random again, sorry)


6. Greatest gift you ever received.

wow, that's hard.... need to think about it...

7. Weirdest thing you ever said.

how much time do you have?

8. Funniest pic you ever saw.


9. Ugliest animal you ever heard of.

cats and dogs without fur... I think...

10. Make up your own word. Any word. Then say what it means.


tagged by: Lukookie


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