Questions Tag ; Tagged by Lukookie

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!


Tagged Questions:


1. If you could say only one word over and over again, what would it be? (It's very random, I know :p)

crave (since its like wants and needs combined together lol :p)

2. What would the perfect day be?

Just a relaxing stay at home, nice and rainy weather of some sort (rain + hot coco + netflix + pillows = heaven lawlll)

3. What would the perfect date be?

Spending the day together and just talk and hang out freely like other couples would 

4. Do you like photography? If so, got any tips?

Yes, photo editors are your bestieee

5. What do u automatically think of when someone says the word "kpop"?

Cute and talented groups of girls and guys :D

6. Why is pi only found in circles? (Sorry that's one of my math problems -__-)

IDKKKK, that has been my stress since primary 

7. Describe yourself in one word.


8. Describe life in one word.


9. How long does it take you to run a mile?

25-30 mins

10. Can you rap? If so, what's your favorite rap?

G-Dragon's Crayon


People I'm tagging:






My Questions:

1. Favorite tv show?

2. FMK; Hongbin, Mark, Jungkook

3. Who would you choose; BTS or Got7

4.Favorite quote

5. 1 of your life principle

6. Favorite snack

7. Any interesting fanfics (leave the links down below)

8. Any thoughts on 2NE1 's  Park Bom's drug rumor?

9. Dessert or Appetizers?

10. Rice or Bread

Link your answers to my question on my wall :D



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These questions are so hard to make decisions