I’ve been staring at this story for a while. The more I look at it, the less it makes sense to me. I can barely pinpoint the plotline here. I know for myself that I have changed my mind a lot during the writing of this.

I want a solid plot with solid characters that everyone can enjoy.

I know that I’ve done this before and those stories might stay in draft forever. (Because I’m a ty author that never finishes her stories) every time I have a story going, I get a knew idea and abandon everything (guys, this is happening RIGHT NOW! Who’s in for dragon N? I’m so sorry N)

Sometimes I feel like quitting aff and then realize how much I’d miss you all!


I won’t put LUNACY in draft, but I will edit it offline. When it gets back up it might be completely different (not completely, just some major plot).

Further, my friend and I want to write a story together (it’s just that we aren’t agreeing on the POV and plot/plot twists. I refuse to write in 1st POV except if it is for an oneshot)

This was supposed to be an apology and it ended up as a blog post gross sobbing.


Well, I’m already this far so… I’m getting Ravi’s blue hair from eternity.


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No need to apologize Author-nim C: It's okay.
You do you boo. Haha. I don't mind the wait. I like your stories so a bit of a wait is fine with me.
And also, sooo cool. I wish I could dye my hair that color. But where I work I don't think they'll allow it.
Author(I'm not sure what you me to call you, so I'll stick with Author for now), there is no need to apologize. You are doing what you think is best for your story, so you go through with it! Also, I think dragon N would be epic! And hopefully your story works with your friend. (So are you dyeing your hair? Because that's gonna look so cool! I dye my hair too. Currently it's a reverse ombre that took two hours to get done -.-) Sorry for my rambling!