Tagged by xXSoulSorcererXx


Got tagged by my little squishy! : xXSoulSorcererXx  Check him out! :D

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 PEOPLEarrow-10x10.png and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Tagged Questions

1.Who I am to you? LOLOLOL xD

You are my cute, squishy teddy bear :D 

2.What if Batman gets bitten by a vampire? die?...xDD

He wouldn't die because vampires turn into bats, so actually Batman is half vampire and half man. #TwilightBreakingDawn

3.Do you think any kind of afterlife exists? :/

Yes, i do.  If there isn't, then where would people's spirit go

4.If someone gave you the power to save just one animal species on earth, which would it be?

This is such a hard question since I really LOVE animals, so I have to say it's between whales, tigers, or elephants. Well, if this includes the animals that are not endangered, then I can't choose.

5.When did you consider yourself as an 'adult'? 

Never lol cx  Even if I'm 18, I won't consider myself an adult even though the state considers me an adult. I think I'll consider myself an adult once I start doing things on my own. Such as, having a job, paying my own bills, taking care of my future kids, and etc. 

6.Are you missing someone? who and why? *sorry ><*

I miss my father ( he passed away) because now that he isn't here I realize that there are things that he has helped us with and now we have to do it on our own. 

7.Do you hate school?

No, I don't hate school. 

8.Gimme the reason for your answer in 8 xD

​Without school, we wouldn't even know most of our friends. I do hate waking up early and doing homework, but overall I like school. 

9..Do you love Math or Science more?

I LOVE Science more. It's my favorite subject. 

10.Did i annoyed you with my questions? ><

No, they were really fun to answer. 

My questions

  1. Which K-pop group is your bias group? 
  2. What is your favorite K-drama? 
  3. How did you get introduced to K-pop/K-dramas/K-everything? 
  4. Who is you ultimate bias(es)? (Only 3 max) 
  5. What's your favorite color? 
  6. What country are you from? 
  7. If you could choose to be any other race/ethnicity, what would it be? 
  8. How old are you? 
  9. How many languages do you know?
  10. What are the top 5 countries you would like to visit? 

People Tagged










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kakaka so cute~